It seems like we got a similar idea ;) The game is really nice to play I liked the fact that there are some no-build zone as it constraints to think more to find a solution ! You got really fun mechanics however if there is one thing missing, it is some nice looking art and some sound effects ! That is something you can improve later and i you don't know how, I personally learnt how to make basic pixel art from the internet but I think you can learn anything using it so good luck for this ! Great job also I really like the name Bob ;)
Thanks a lot for playing ! I am really glad you liked the game and the level design ! I agree with all the previous comments and yours ;) There is still a lot of work and I am bot planning to stop there I am already working on improving the game ! The save system for the various devices is already up and running ! Thank you for spending time giving feedback and playing around with bob :)
The concept is really not bad the sound design really well done it was even a bit scary ;) For now the game really does not feel complete, however with a bit more work post jam it could become a really fun short horror game a bit like "slender man" ! I am subscribing and hoping that you will make a really good game out of this concept !
I've seen quite a lot of games in this jam where you've got to choose what to fight during the next levels but this is the first one which I found really polished and visually really and enjoyable. The game is really fun also, sometimes not well balanced some elements are adding too much difficulty but that is not really a huge problem I really enjoyed discovering this game it has been a great experience well done !
That must be the most complete feedback I got during the jam... Thanks a lot for taking your Time writing such useful comment ! As I said as an answer to other comments these kind of QOF features are the ones I will prioritize while updating the game ! I'll try your way to save the positions it seems simpler than what I already tried :)
Also thanks for the link to pixel overload I was already subscribed but forgot the existence of the Channel ;)
Thanks for playing and for your feedback I appreciate a lot !
hey thanks for commenting and for playing ! Thanks that is great to hear that is something I really like when making games : doing everything on my own !
Do not worry I am planning to update the game post jam and quality of life updates will be my priority . These kind of features should arrive kinda fast :)
Oh okay nice tip I did not know that a web build could fix this issue thanks for sharing that info with me ;) I really wanted to make a web build though but I was running out of Time, next Time I ll make it a priority... It is really great of you to provide me all this feedback. Thanks you a lot really that is helping a lot !
Thanks for playing hestrateja ! Well that is a feature that was on m'y trello list... But I never worked with save systems before and I Lost 3 hours if the jam trying to figure ou how to implement a save system. But I unfortunately gave up because the time was running out :( However now that time is not limited anymore I'll try to do it post-jam dont worry !
Hey thanks a lot for your review i appreciate the fact that you had fun ! I didn't know what were the lemmings (i dont think I was old enough to know ;) ) while making the musics but after checking on YouTube I can see some similarities !
Well done for passing the first level, it is Always funny to see you the players find some ways I did not think about to complete a level especially for a bugged one :)
I was wrong ;) This is not only a matter of check box it seems a bit more complicated... Your guess was right it is because of the canvas however when I set it to "Scale with screen size" the text becomes crispy. I saw on the internet that it was possible to do things differently with anchors. I'll try check that tomorrow morning it is currently 1 a.m here in France and I did not completely recover from the jam ;)
Also I figured out that my UI was made only for full HD resolution (1920x1080) I am wondering what screen you have... Whatever thanks for the review I appreciate !
Do not apologize ! This "lengthy" comment is really useful to me, any feedback is ! I have game dev experience but I just seriously got into Unity. There are some features that I don't really know yet.
Yes I will maybe update the game a bit after the jam that is something I am thinking about.
So I am gonna go check out my UI components, stay tuned for updates I'll tell you if I fix the bug. If it really is due to the Canvas's scaler that should be just a checkbox to check and it should not take me too long...
You won't let bob alone !
Hey I didn't first understand what I was supposed to do. Then I started to read the comments and I understood. Your game idea was really good it reminds of "Sort the court" ! That is definitely a game/idea to develop more in the future (in all its aspect). I can't leave the review your game deserves unfortunately but that is still a 3 stars out of 5 for the creativity !!