Very interesting concept. The movement is basic but it feels nice, the levels seem well constructed but they're very dim, adding some lights would benefit the game a lot. Also, some columns block the view of the die, and sometimes you can roll in both axis.
Other than these 2 things it's really nice, keep it up!
I lost against the dragon, i had him at 0.5 hp D:
Being from Rome I appreciate the setting :P
I don't know if this was wanted, but you can actually heal enemies if they have a much higher DEF, pretty interesting mechanic. Overall it's nice, maybe the customization is a bit hard to understand but the rest is simple yet challenging.
This definitely needs to be an online multiplayer mobile game. Really fun, simple rules that completely change the game for the better. Only one complaint, the written rules in-game are a bit hard to read, maybe a wacky pre-made font would be better :)
I'll definitely come back to this in the future!
Really cool concept!
I like the idea of showing ammo on the player, although i would have liked a way to "reload", right now if you're out of ammo you just have to die;
The concept of having cards decrease in value when hit is clever, I found a bug where the queen goes ballistic and starts shooting crowns super fast, but it happened just once and it was easy to handle.
Overall good job :)
Nice game, pretty well polished :)
I'm taking my 27 points back home, thank you very much. I'm not a patient man.
I wish there was more of an incentive to play again, like a temporary leaderboard, or using the points for something, but I read that you started again from scratch so it's understandable.
Great job!
Looks really cool! I have a couple of tips:
-For the movement, you're normalizing the vector, which means that the value of each axis is -1 to 1 normally, but -0.7 to 0.7 if both axis are in use at the same time, this is to prevent having more speed diagonally in top down games. In your case you want to disable this in your code, or if you're using the new input system, use separate analog values for x movement and y movement. (this is to solve the slowing down that occurs when you move while pressing W or S).
-If you double jump really quickly, the character goes waaaay too high, but if you jump a second time after a while, it barely goes up. This feels very inconsistent.
I really like the style :) keep it up!