No story? Im sorry, you obviously haven't looked at the hidden lore, the 10 book novel series, the Golden gun, and how the elevator states 43 at the start, signifying how its 1943, and this is obviously a mafia being taken down, by this guy, who we can theorize is named matt because thats the only name this mafia could hate.
This is a joke on Fnaf and all that hidden lore bs, in case you can't tell
Heres Something to know about me:
If A game feels small, I will 100%, see everything do everything because the games that are small that i do that to, I want the most amount of time in the experience.
I couldn't do that to this game, Because it was so good. Specifically the cut ending.
I saw what happened when you didn't kill any zombies when you tried to mess with everyone I saw almost EVERY dialoge option.
But for the cut ending? I couldn't do it. The conversation was so real, that doing anything of the sort felt like i would be invalidating the heartfelt message. It felt like doing that would RUIN what made that ending so good. It was to the point, when it ended, i didn't want it to.
Thats the first time a conversation ending was on the other persons terms, I realized what it was like to be on the opposite side of that ending.
I'd say id want an Ultra ADHD 2, but doing that? I think itd ruin this games message. Would RUIN this game because its bullshit, is what makes this game so good. and a second one, would invalidate that bullshit.
If you do make a sequal, don't title it Ultra ADHD 2.
Also wanted to ask if you could change the floorbuilder controls a little bit, mainly making it to where the Cursor Controls (The W, A, S, D)
Go with the View point, its hard to explain but basically make it to where up moves your selector Up, and not like left when facing a different direction. No Pressure, But it'd be nice, thxs!
The game is great and concept wise is amazing. Here's what Id say could make this game worth a Heck ton of money tho:
1. Maybe make the basement and upstairs as seperate levels, you could make it basically a campaign! Now sure you could do something crazy like make EVERY level a, well, Level. But this seems a lot better. (Plus the peach jumpscare at the end could be a way to transition to The basement ya?)
2. For harder difficulty's, you could make it to where the toads (I wouldn't recommend peach, but maybe for like Mini mushroom) Will check the chests if they haven't heard or seen Mario in a while. Making it to where you can't just hide in them forever.
3. Honestly, Make the outside playable again! It was so cool running outside and while I still have that version and what not It'd be cool if you could run outside again, at the very least I'd say going out the back door.
No I will say, I play on mac. So maybe the version Mac is on Simply doesn't have the features I remember, and thats A-OK! Just let me know! But still, Awesome Game. 10/10 would recommend.
This Is Honestly A really Neat Idea, The problem? I first tried it, Very easily. The heat system is Really good, but I never felt too much under pressure from it. But Thats fine, As this really seems to only be there so you don't just Grab EVERYTHING from a dungeon. However, I could see this being a full fledged Replayable Game, With some extra stuff. Heres my list:
1. Endless mode, Self explanitory, Would add a bunch of replay value.
2. Hard Mode, Simple, Enemy health and damage scale way harder, and your heat limit could be lower.
3. More floors/items, A basically just add more content to the base game, thats it.
But seriously, This is an incredible game, and I Could see this being on store shelves and steams home page, Keep up the good work!
Animation? Amazing! Atmosphere? Beutiful! Mechanics? Fit like a glove, let me explain!
Animation is smooth, crisp, works well, just over all an amazing thing
Atmosphere Really works here! With it not being Dark because Technically it is day time as you are just testing the tech, and not destroyed because the place is in buisness, the atmosphere is something of Art!
Mechanics, Where do i Begin? Each one is unique and yet so much the same, with each animatronic having its own special thing, While still allowing for other more common ones, Freddy Gets to you via the vent in Cam 6, while Thread-bear Gets to you in Cam 4, meaning you have less time to react, this is countered by the fact he has a sort of "Wind up phase" Where he is just sitting in the hallway looking at the vent. Foxy is amazing at being someone who you have to keep an Eye on, and bonnie and chica do there jobs perfectly of being animatronics that, while you wouldn't technically need to check cameras for, it helps and they can Co-exist pretty well. Also freddy speeding up when he gets his head chopped off is a GREAT way to punish the player for being slow
Also did I mention the extras? Character models, room designs, Designing the rooms and animatronics, and a SLEW of special challenge based runs that alter Gameplay while keeping it similar, I don't know HOW it seemingly flew under everyones radar but It deserves WAY MORE than what it has.
In a way tho I actually found it manageble? See in the original Foxy takes power every time he runs, Starting at 3% per knock and then 5% later on , (If i'm not mistaken) but in this game he doesn't, so really he only takes power by forcing you to shut the door, So i will say if you do nerf foxy you should probably bring back the Power punishment, (P.S just beat night 3, Freddy is a Pain in The Butt, But thats a problem in the main game as well, He's just a Butthole Honestly)
Alright Just got through Night 1, and Holy crap this game is fast paced, 12-3 not a problem, but then foxy becomes active, oh foxy becomes active, and I don't know what you put that guy on, but he is FAST, I swear Id stay off the camera for 5 seconds and he'd be in stage 3 ready to knock me. I ended up just listening for the footsteps more than just checking on him. As for the others, never really delt with them, as chica I only had one encounter with a Bonnie, Im pretty sure just got blocked when I dealt with foxy. As for now, I would nerf the night one animatronics, but so far so good. (Also if the difficulty is there because you have button controls, that makes sense, still though, night 1?)
First off, it has a Mac build which makes it better than most games on here because now i can play it. Second, off, AWSOME GAME! amazing visuals, powers that MEAN something, different levels each "unique" (some feel a little copy pasted but, may just be because i'm use to random generation from adventure rouge-lites) And is just in general a fun game, only problem? I doubt people are gonna donate money to get this game popular, 10/10 game
Great Game, and heres some tips to anyone struggling.
1: Guns are important, the more you have, the less you have to rewind, and that means you can use your rewind for more important things, like...
2: Rewind is MUCH more important than reloading. Your ability to regenerate lost health is how you win. There is an upgrade that makes it to where when you rewind, you get +4 health, this is important. As now, you can do what I call, "Rewind Spam"
3: For those of you wondering, rewind spam is when you spam rewind, regenerating your health back to full, this is best done with 1 enemy left on the field. Heres some of the best enemys to do it to:
Bat, Pistol, Gernade, and while its difficult, you can do it to drone. The others? Well, you'll probably get hit and kamikazi, if he does hit you, will just start the next wave.
4: Prioritize Health over damage, it sounds stupid, but the more you can heal, or not take damage, will do much more than kill an enemy faster, but this doesn't mean never go damage, for later rounds damage is important, but early game go for healing and damage immunity.
Those are ones I came up with in my time of playing, but practice does make perfect, so using these will take practice.