I liked this game, I would definitely recommend to someone who just wants a short game to play quickly. However, I found the default screen shake to be a little too much. Also, for some reason the higher difficulties
didn't really feel any harder. They WERE harder (I died much more frequently on hyper), but for some reason it just didn't feel that way.Yeah it wasn't the game, I remember there being sound. It messed up when I exported the video. So it was Davinci Resolve (my editing software) that messed up. Unfortunately, I had forgotten that I already deleted the unedited version of the video, so I can't retry, so the video will be soundless forever.
No there seems to be straight up no sound, there was sound in my editor but no sound when I uploaded it, weird. Thanks for noticing, I only noticed that there was no sound at the end, but I thought there was just a problem with my outro music, so I added so free to use YouTube music. I'll reupload when I have the chance (no wifi at my house)