I really liked this game.
It had a fun flow to it, although sometimes I was wondering if it was meant to be more like a puzzle or a speedrunning game. I feel like if you'd have added a timer with a Personal Best, and perhaps given a score on how well you did, I would feel more compelled to go fast. Perhaps give a score based on how many people you've shot with one bullet, ...
That way I think I'd be able to try and get the faster route, in the smoothest way... Instead of what I did now, walking straight at a body and shooting the closest point at the wall, whilst totally ignoring the fast pace part of the game.
However, I'm no professional and that's just an idea.
The game is really great tho!
I love how polished it feels, especially for in 2 days!
Amazing work! :D
It's a nice idea.. Just some animations and sfx would have been nice, the feedback was a little lacking.
The music is really nice aswell! :D
Also.. maybe a way to make it more puzzle like is to disable recently pressed directions, because all I found myself doing now was the opposite of the AI untill it paused:
Really nice graphics! :D
But the gameplay was a bit hard..
It was really frustrating to click on the robot while it was moving so fast and by the time I finished someone's order, the next one had already expired. So just make it a bit easier by giving the player more time and make sure that there aren't more orders on the screen then possible.
Nice game but there are some glitches like http://prntscr.com/latgq5 and a lot with the movement (I think you forgot to put the friction to )... Other then that it was a really well made game! :D
I love the art and idea but I cannot play the game... Whenever I click on anything it says http://prntscr.com/lat5fx and you need to refresh the page to restart! I does look like a nice game! :D