I put the answer in ROT13, which is a way of shifting letters based on their placement in the alphabet. You can just grab a translator off the internet, or you can decode it manually like a fucking champ. Anyway, here you go.
Gurer ner frireny xrlf lbh arrq gb trg. V sbetbg juvpu bar bcraf gur qerffre qenjre, ohg V guvax vg'f gur oyhr bar, fb V'yy fgneg gurer.
Gur oyhr xrl vf ba gur sne fvqr bs gur orq.
Gur erq xrl vf va gur pbqrq qrfx qenjre.
Gur terra xrl vf va gur evtug obbg haqre gur obbxfuryirf. (V unir ab vqrn jung lbh unir gb qb, V jnf whfg zrffvat jvgu vg naq raqrq hc jvgu gur xrl. Nppvqragny oehgrsbepvat :)
Happy Puzzling
Can somebody explain how the two clues regarding gur pybpx svg gbtrgure? V sbhaq gur vzntr vafvqr gur cvyy, naq gura gurer'f gur guvat oruvaq gur pybpx. V srry yvxr vg fubhyq or fhcre boivbhf, ohhhhhg...abg trggvat vg. Cyrnfr uryc zr, sbe V ynpx gur shaqnzragny vagryyvtrapr jr pnyy 'pbzzba frafr'.
I'm cooked.
This was awesome! The one with the face was really tricky, but it was so satisfying when I finally got the last piece of the puzzle. Always love your games! Would you make another one like trace, scope, and escape from castle claymount? I really enjoyed those ones specifically. SO MUCH FUN! And for those interested, I beat my bestie FREAKIN CLARISSA by EIGHT MINUTES!!! (She's reading over my shoulder. love you bestie.) Thanks colorbomb!!