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A member registered Apr 16, 2024

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the tip jar says 'feeling tipsy?' 

is this rot 13 or am I losing it

this game is okay if you don't like the genre, it's fucking fantastic if you do.

Wait new question can we expect more claymation? Trace, Scope, and escape Castle Claymount, as well as Clayscape and its unexpected graphic violence are my favorite excape games of all time.

Wait I just redid this so I may have skipped some steps without realizing but what was the code on the door for? I never found the fifth digit and the code was too large for the radio...if I ignored the digit I didn't know it didn't do anything.

Thank you kind Maralith, for I is stoopid.

Bro, straightup shivers. That's great. And the way it linked to the note from before.

That's where I'm at, too, but nothing is different! The window isn't black, and I can't see anything else to do. Bug, or feature?

I put the answer in ROT13, which is a way of shifting letters based on their placement in the alphabet. You can just grab a translator off the internet, or you can decode it manually like a fucking champ. Anyway, here you go. 

Gurer ner frireny xrlf lbh arrq gb trg. V sbetbg juvpu bar bcraf gur qerffre qenjre, ohg V guvax vg'f gur oyhr bar, fb V'yy fgneg gurer. 

Gur oyhr xrl vf ba gur sne fvqr bs gur orq.

Gur erq xrl vf va gur pbqrq qrfx qenjre.

Gur terra xrl vf va gur evtug obbg haqre gur obbxfuryirf. (V unir ab vqrn jung lbh unir gb qb, V jnf whfg zrffvat jvgu vg naq raqrq hc jvgu gur xrl. Nppvqragny oehgrsbepvat :)

Happy Puzzling

So cute, and funny. Just for fun I did what actual flies do, and saw the window but could not for the life of me figure out how to fly through it.

There's also flies in a jar, forgot who made it but it's also here on itch. It's good, but sort of feels incomplete. Flies in a jar, not this one, I liked this one.

All things considered, that could have gone much worse.

Nevermind... I'm  colossal idiot.

Bro how do I get at the erq zneoyr fubja va gur vzntr sebz gur gnoyrg??? V'z pbashfrq.

I got that much, but what do I do with it??? (Also you thought you were late...)

a bit late, but there's two clues that go into it. here's the answer in rot13

svaq gur cvyy vafvqr gur phc, naq gjvfg vg gur fnzr qverpgvbaf nf gur yvy qhqr va gur pnovarg. vafvqr gur cvyy vf n cvpgher, juvpu fubjf gur beqre gb vachg gur ohggbaf onfrq ba gur zbqry oruvaq gur pybpx.

Unccl chmmyvat!

nevermind, but now I'm confused with two things, which I will list in rot13

-Gur zrffntr ba gur onpx bs gur xrl, juvpu fnlf 'gvzr gvzrf gjb gjb gvzrf'...Oehu.

- Ubj gb trg gb gur erq zneoyr fubja va gur vzntr sebz gur cvyy. V'ir ybbxrq nyy bire, naq pna'g frrz gb svaq vg naljurer.


Can somebody explain how the two clues regarding  gur pybpx svg gbtrgure? V sbhaq gur vzntr vafvqr gur cvyy, naq gura gurer'f gur guvat oruvaq gur pybpx. V srry yvxr vg fubhyq or fhcre boivbhf, ohhhhhg...abg trggvat vg. Cyrnfr uryc zr, sbe V ynpx gur shaqnzragny vagryyvtrapr jr pnyy 'pbzzba frafr'.

I'm cooked.

what the hell why are you speaking in tongues for spoilers I need these hints is it Caeser shift? -edit- yes. it was caeser shift. I'm an idiot. I am sorry.

lol same here, I'm sixteen and broke as a joke. I'll donate someday, though! I love all the studio l00k games

oh damn, that's crazy impressive

Wait what Junji Ito reference???

fact though, we need more claymation! I've done trace, clay-scape, and escape  from castle claymount, and now this one. You should do a dinosaur themed one OH MY GOD DINOSAURS I'd be happy to help with a dino themed claymation game.

Yay! If you need any art/coding/design assistance, I know/am a guy who can do that for you.

Jet! I love your games, and this was no exception. I would love to Collab with you on a project, literally any project, if you're interested. I have a very minimal understanding of coding with Java, and I'm a wizard at ASCii art. We can exchange contact later if you're interested.

PEOPLE ARE INTERESTED!!!!! also what coding language did you use for this bad bitch?

OHMYGOD THE (spoilers below) WAS INSANE























The Caesarian shift made me feel so smart, because by a friendly turn of fate I already knew what it was. And also WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THE FLIES LIKE WHAT HAPPENS ONCE THEY"RE OUT?????

got me feeling like a world class idiot, good game so far though.

THAT WAS SO GOOD OHMYGODDDDDD will you make all 400 of the rooms? that could be a really cool project. Or maybe you could make like rooms 300, 200, and 100, or idk JUST MAKE ANOTHER GAME.

This was awesome! The one with the face was really tricky, but it was so satisfying when I finally got the last piece of the puzzle. Always love your games! Would you make another one like trace, scope, and escape from castle claymount? I really enjoyed those ones specifically. SO MUCH FUN! And for those interested, I beat my bestie FREAKIN CLARISSA by EIGHT MINUTES!!! (She's reading over my shoulder. love you bestie.) Thanks colorbomb!! on on Facebook
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