this was really fun! liked the idea and the setting. it could have been pretty exhausting to get through, but the restart feature after a death was a great way to keep a short attention span person like me engaged :D great job!
i got the ending where i speared lydia to the wall and the thrall showed that she wasn't very... head strong.
and yes, i of course got death 29 before i even started the game :D
might go back and check out more deaths and endings if i have time. looks like you packed heaps on content in here :O
cheers for the feeback, appreciated. in my head, everything after the 'let her in' moment played out longer. it was supposed to be a slow burn build of dread basically starting with the photo on the tv. but the pacing just ended up speeding up and i ran out of time {and steam) to pad it out better. so i think the pop music would have balanced a lot better if it had played out more like i had envisioned. but definitely fair call on your part.
anyways, thanks for playing. your game looks really interesting to. going to check it out at some stage.
probably entirely redundant now, but i persisted with the old version. during the section where trying to go to the station says 'waiting for tetrine', you can go and spy again which leads to the softlock. but if you look at the boat first it's fine. just thought i report back on that in case it helps. but since you've updated, probably not :D
anyways, i finished! didn't realise how close to the end i was :D great stuff, i really liked it. love the way you composed scenes visually. gave me some inspiration for how i can approach some game design in the future. good luck with the jam!
uh yeah, think i must have found another way to access the bug :(
i'm already in the house and i can't leave to check the cabin again. if i try to leave, rosemary says 'i can explore later, i'm pretty tired'. and checking the luggage just says 'that's tetrine's luggage', and that's it.
i will say i don't remember seeing 'junk' in the cabin. maybe that's triggering it?
i have a save file from a fair bit earlier, i'll try going back to that tomorrow. definitely want to see what happens in the story.
Thaaankyou for your kind words! Cheers for playing and sharing your videos. I'm really glad you liked it.
The cosy/spooky split happened pretty late in development. It was all one story originally but at some point I had the idea that it'd be nice to let the player decide what kind of vibe they wanted. Especially since it was supposed to be a Christmas season game :D
I hope you do get around to playing Waterbourne Immersion. Would love to see your playthrough and hear your thoughts!
Thanks again!
Hey! Thank you for your kind words and I'm happy you like Stevens so much!
I've had a few people approach me about translating it, but they have always wanted the source files to do so which seemed too sketchy to me to agree to. But if you are offering to supply a translated script for me to implement into the game myself then yeah, I am interested. Where would be a good place to DM you about it?
Yay! A comment that doesn't point out how short it is! :D
It was also telegraphed by 'inter' being 'winters' without the 'w' and 's'. But I didn't really expect anyone to pick that up. I was going to end the spooky version with 'inter' showing up on screen and the w and s fading into place with a '2' behind it. But I decided an abrupt 'the end' was better :D
Thank you so much for you feedback and thoughtful commentary. I'm very glad you liked it!
It was for a game jam and I spent too much time sourcing all the imagery and working out all the code to make everything move. The story was a bit of an afterthought. Both routes make the play time come out around 15 mins which is pretty normal for my games :D But yeah, it was very short. I was originally going to have a playlist of songs but it ended up being short enough to not need it and the spooky ending made reference to the song. It would be cool to have the money to licence a bunch of Christmas songs though :D
As with everything, I never say never. I may come back to this one day and expand it out. We'll see.
Thanks for playing and commenting, much appreciated!
Was just looking into it and apparently Chrome 100 did something that made Ren'Py web games unplayable. It's reportedly working again now with new builds, but I'm going to have to re-build and reupload everything . Which I will do as soon as I can.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, appreciate it.