Yep correct, I hope Aslak doesn't mind me linking it for visibility. The demo had great atmosphere and was really intriguing .
Fun game, love the art style and setting. Would be good to have some sort of tutorial even for a demo as it took me a while to figure out how to get in the houses. Plus once getting caught the police arrive almost instantly and they can be ran past for a quick escape.
Overall love the idea and execution. Can't wait to see how it evolves
Liked the concept and the puzzles had a nice difficulty curve but agree with the below that the movement would stutter when rounding corners (i think?) Also found a bug where you could pickup thrown bait but couldn't choose the throw direction
Still a cool game. There's a decent amount of content for such a short dev window. Well done!
Neat idea with great presentation. Sound is very underrated in jam games but its inclusion here really ties everything together. One gripe was that it was pretty difficult to throw the ball especially knowing where it was heading, i got a few screens up then overshot back to the start which as heartbreaking </3
I love this idea, truly unique and the art style has great readability. Also liked being able to choose the spawn point for the enemies as it's an extra layer of strat.
If i was nitpicking the player collision can be hard to predict when your shooting gaps, and the music can get a tad repetitive, but can sympathise since Bosca Ceoil (guessing was used) can limit you to making looping tracks under time constraint.
With a few more levels this could make a good mobile game. Had fun, awesome entry!
Made a chill puzzle/stealth game with a windows95 aesthetic
(check the description if you get stuck as there's a hint)
There're some good mechanics going on here. I like the risk reward of sticking around to fight the ghosts for extra$ instead of leaving.
The variety in the ghosts is a nice touch since you could've got away with just 1.
There could be more sound and visual prompts to things you do as it wasn't 100% clear what you can steal and can't. Plus some ghosts spawned right in my path causing game over which is overpowered ghost move.
Overall cool concept, if you ever expand it multiple levels would be fun.
This is a neat idea and a mash of genres that works well. If this had some more content and a few QoL changes i'd buy the full version.
Minor gripes:
-The high score text is covering the 'easy mode' button. Easy fix but took a min to figure out
-Dunno if it was my setup but the music didn't quite line up with the prompts so i was just timing visually.
-Feedback system for correct rhythm would add some juice
-Another commented the zombies could move in rhythm, that would be consistent with the theme and work well.
Overall awesome job had fun thnks