I just updated the link :https://mee6.xyz/i/mwZvD5JAgd
Nice game ! 🔥
My feedbacks in live 😉
Thank you ! I will continue the game maybe !
Merci pour ton retour ! 🔥
Que pensez vous du tutoriel pour le moment ?
GG ! T’as le meilleur score actuellement !
Merci beaucoup pour ton retour ! 🔥
Noooooooooon ! ;c
MDR, bon va falloir que je corrige quelques bugs là xD
C’est quoi votre meilleur score ?
You can join our Discord server if you are looking for a team 😉
Mon score : 283
C’est quoi ton meilleur score ? x)
Excellent ! J’aime bien comment vous avez mélangé tower shooter avec le monde des insectes, gg !
The devlog :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNcLRvGWpdY
Hello, can I have our game qualified again ? I uploaded the Windows build
Hello, I can’t upload my windows build directly on my page during the jam. So I just uploaded on Google Drive :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DFnkTtwOHvbNkJ8yfglDKajtWCvPn5oV/view?usp=sharing
49 !
This was funny XD
Cool game ! ^^
Nice game ! I enjoyed it ^^
Thank you for your feedback ! ^^
Nice game the platformer works well and I like the shadows you added… But where is the gamejam theme ? :/
I found the perfect match : only money x)
Wow ! Thank you a lot for your gameplay and your feedback, I will share it to my community ^^We didn’t have the time to add the story ahah x)The crab in the tower was attacking the protagonist’s cows (you play a samourai farmer)
Merci pour ton retour ! ^^
Thank you for your feedback! It will help us a lot ! ^^
Thank you for your feedback ! It will help me a lot ! 🔥