Hey there! Sorry for the late reply.
No need to apologize for your "rant", as we completely understand your frustration and we knew that US players would be particularly pleased with our decision. On the contrary, we are glad that you share your opinion with us :)
First of all, be assured that we didn’t make the decision lightly: It was sure to backfire, especially this late into the festival, after announcing our participation. The thing is, we felt that it was better to face the ire of players regarding the non-participation rather than alienate them because of some flaws, real or otherwise. The state of the English localization was, frankly speaking, bad and considering that the game was, at the time, scheduled for release the month following the festival, we decided to pull out, and rethink our launch schedule to propose a final version that was every bit the game we wanted to release in the first place. Hence a lot of postponing and lack of communications on our part. Polishing the game has been more arduous than we first thought, but we are happy to tell that the final version will be everything that we envisioned when first deciding to make Labyrinth City: Pierre the Maze Detective!
Thank you! Yes, we are a team! The artwork (the maps) is from a Japanese illustration studio calledIC4DESIGN. They are the ones behind the Pierre the Maze Detective children’s book series, and they are very (VERY) talented.
Our team is dedicated to animation and programming, so we sliced the maps and characters, created the animations, populated the levels, crafted the interactions, wrote the dialogues, prepared the cutscenes, and devised the code of the game.
To give you a better understanding of who we are, our studio is specializing in animation and video (we work on documentaries before, and we also produce a French children TV series), so that is the part that we focused on for Labyrinth City. We have previously launched 2 games (Californium and Homo Machina), and both also revolve around books. Californium accompanied a documentary on Philip K. Dick, while Home Machina is more of the ancestor of Labyrinth City in the sense that we animated a book about the human body by author Fritz Kahn (he is considered the father of modern infographics, because his art is very visual).
We have been working on Labyrinth City for the better part of 2 years almost. The project started in 2019, but the bulk of the work on programming and animation happened in 2020.
Not sure exactly how to write this post or introduce the game, so I’ll post the link first if you don’t want to read everything:
Labyrinth City: Pierre the Maze Detective is an adventure/puzzle game set in the hand-drawn mazes of the namesake children book series created by the talented artists at IC4DESIGN, a Japanese illustration studio. They create very intricate, colorful and eye-catching scenes that teem with details and eccentric characters.
The game will have you play as Pierre, the detective, who must finds his way out of each maze to catch Mr X, a notorious thief that stole a magic stone. Each level will contain minigames/puzzles, hidden objects, collectable stars and items, etc. and several other game modes (time attack, etc.). On your way out, you will be able to interact with many, MANY items and characters.
The demo only showcases the first 2 levels, and lacks some features and optimizations, so expect some quirks! That being said, it is still very representative of the experience provided by the final game once it is out.
NOTE: WASD do not work as of now, the feature will be added later. Use of a controller is recommended to play the game.
Please give us any feedback in the comments on the game page or in our Discord (link at the top of the game page)
Labyrinth City: Pierre the Maze Detective is scheduled to launch in March 2021 on Steam.
Hello everyone and welcome to Labyrinth City: Pierre the Maze Detective page!
Demo of the first two levels of the game is online! Download the archive and extract it to wherever you wish on your computer (C:\Users\Admin\Desktop, for instance), and navigate to the .exe file to launch the demo.
Please note that it is still a work in progress, so expect some quirks!
If you enjoy Labyrinth City or have any question about the game or the demo, you can join our Discord here:https://discord.gg/BqAykcZ