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A member registered Sep 13, 2022

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Well.. I could help with that, if you want, about translation to Russian language. But again, if you need any help with that...

Да, я с тобой частично согласен на счет того что ей не хватает русского языка, но и на английском тоже норм, причем вполне вполне.. Но это при условии что английский люди знают на уровне хотя бы чтения, не говоря о разговорном...

Thanks for the tip, I want his second date because of all other character, hi is look sad (judging by art), and I want him to be a more happy. And I'm personally more forward to winged dragon type. 

About game itself, it maybe sound a little selfish, or crazy, but i have lack of hero personalization, what i mean is how my hero actually look's like depend on race, which color you body have, some body(scale or fur) pattern (colorable), scar's, horn type's, and etc. I miss some actual stats of my hero, depend on chosen race, like benefits, affinities (choosable), and ofcourse some downsides (based on benefits, affinities and race). Lewd scenes missing of my actual hero representation visually, based on race and how my hero actually look's like, or at least race and body type (M or F) . Some lewd scenes could  (need) to be changed basen on race and hoo is my hero, male or female.

And yeah, 10 out of 10. But story transgression is way to hasty...

So, how i can get a Blinki's second date..?  In end i se he is the second highest in affinity for my characrt afer Drakey, so i guess afer i met him in his aparment i did something wrong, choose wrong dialog.. If anyone know please tel, i wil be grateful. on on Facebook
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