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A member registered Feb 06, 2022 ·View creator page →

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Ecchi & Craft Save File with story and every achievement completed
Glory and Miserable Survivors DX's Gallery unlocked Save file

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I am literally cheating with x0.20 speed and still cant get under 1.8s on the first level, is it even possible? it feels like i'm missing some game mechanic
Also, Last level was hell, good job

This is not the Game, you need to own it first, after owning this game you can apply this save file to have every badge and cutscenes

indipendent from any level, you can place immediately 2 farmers in the backline and then get 25 credits to spend on a mine, putting you to an early money advantage, then get one arcer when the second girl appears (if she is futher away by at least 4 tiles), after that you can wait for the 2 girls in one lane and place a bowman and a mine, mines are very good as a first defence against rushes, and you can steam roll it, then DON'T use the barrels at the start, they cost way too much for being good, i suggest to use them when you have at least 6-8 farmers, use them on the Witches and as a last resort if a lane is compromized, Most importantly, for 2-X levels, always put a mine somewhere in the lane, Witches have way too much health and try to eco everything,

It is clearly taken by PvZ, but in the end is still a TD game

2-9 is a bit buggy but you can beat it, the last level is 2-10

The best performance i found was Disabling Post-Processing and adjusting the screen resolution, then you could make the game have a higher hirarchy by going to the task manager > Details > Right click on the right process and from Normal to High (or higher, not Real-Time as it makes your PC slower and everything a bit more unstable), other than that i haven't found anything, though i heard a dude on reddit was going to make a mod for higher fps, other than that i don't know

Shit, i just bomb rushed everything, i'll reset my chrismas save and find it

Shit, i just bomb rushed everything, i'll reset my chrismas save and find it

Are you using a AD blocker or a Antivirus? also, which browser are you using? some don't like and testes false positive

Mega's domain strikes again, try to 'allow anyway' the download link or use a VPN/DNS, if that dosen't work i can reupload it on mediafire or something

you might have a problem with your Antivirus, disable it for a bit or check its actions, if you disable it, reunzip the file and try again

do stuff every 3-4 seconds, cameras are useful only to check foxy every few seconds, Bonnie and Chica needs only to check the halls in the office one time every few seconds, while freddy is needed to check her on Cam 6 and close the door, if freddy's AI decided to be a bitch, she will probably suck all Power

the easter egg 1/9/8/7 has only a secret Call, but after checking the save data and tried something i found what went wrong, it was Freddy's death by power out, apparently it does not count if you die that way, though you get the easter egg anyway

it is similar to the original FNaF, freddy wanders until she goes to the kitchen and then she attacks, so close the door like you would do with foxy

there are a few completion, get fucked by Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, enter the code 6-9-6-9 on night 7 or get lucky with finding golden freddy and click multiple times on the donut on the desk on on Facebook
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