indipendent from any level, you can place immediately 2 farmers in the backline and then get 25 credits to spend on a mine, putting you to an early money advantage, then get one arcer when the second girl appears (if she is futher away by at least 4 tiles), after that you can wait for the 2 girls in one lane and place a bowman and a mine, mines are very good as a first defence against rushes, and you can steam roll it, then DON'T use the barrels at the start, they cost way too much for being good, i suggest to use them when you have at least 6-8 farmers, use them on the Witches and as a last resort if a lane is compromized, Most importantly, for 2-X levels, always put a mine somewhere in the lane, Witches have way too much health and try to eco everything,
The best performance i found was Disabling Post-Processing and adjusting the screen resolution, then you could make the game have a higher hirarchy by going to the task manager > Details > Right click on the right process and from Normal to High (or higher, not Real-Time as it makes your PC slower and everything a bit more unstable), other than that i haven't found anything, though i heard a dude on reddit was going to make a mod for higher fps, other than that i don't know
do stuff every 3-4 seconds, cameras are useful only to check foxy every few seconds, Bonnie and Chica needs only to check the halls in the office one time every few seconds, while freddy is needed to check her on Cam 6 and close the door, if freddy's AI decided to be a bitch, she will probably suck all Power