While I did not entirely know what I was doing, I made it to the "You Win" signs, sooo!
Honestly, though, even though, as you said, you couldn't finish everything, what is there has a great atmosphere with the lighting and music and a very nice feel. I hope you recover soon, and maybe you'll finish the game once you've got the time. If so, let me know and I'd love to play it again. Until then, great job, and I hope you had fun!
Holy! The production quality is insane; it feels so polished, and the voice acting is honestly very good! The only issue I've had is performance problems when playing in the browser, but that's to be expected. Really great idea with a stunning execution ("Send it!"). Honestly, though, it was really impressive, especially for the short timeframe. Great work!
Love it! The reload mechanic really adds a layer of depth to the gameplay. One thing that confused me at first was when I take damage, maybe showing the bandits aiming their weapons and shooting would be nice. Could even add another mechanic, if there was a way to dodge/block the incoming projectiles.
But regardless, really fun game. Great work!
This turns from a "kind of relaxing clicker" into "OMG Help! It's so fast!" really quickly.
Simple concept, but a really nice art style, and the lack of music actually is great for this game I think. The popping sound starts off as being quite nice and turns into dread-inducing once it speeds up.
Really cool game! (Throwing my score of 211 in here)
This is great! It's a very unique idea and it's put together extremely well. I love games like overcooked and I think it's really interesting, that in this game, instead of the players working together actively try to hinder each other.
I don't know if you want to continue working on this project after the jam is over, but this really has a lot of potentials. Well done!
You're very welcome and I'm happy I made your day a bit better.
I know exactly how you're feeling, I remember how excited I was when someone sent me a donation for the first time. Glad you learned something and had fun making your game for the jam, that's what they are about after all. ^^
Wish you the best for wherever your dev-journey takes you.
You're welcome! If you ever decide to add one, I always usedreamlo.com in the same way as describedhere. It's super easy, you don't have to worry about server stuff and it's totally free.
Obviously not important at all though, the game is heaps of fun as it is! ^^
While the concept is simple, I am amazed at how polished this feels. The 2D Lighting, the post-processing, particles, screen shake, sound... it all works together and makes this feel pretty much perfect. I didn't experience a single bug, the Ui is great, you can honestly be very proud of this.
The only thing close to feedback are some Ideas:
I am not joking when I say that this, in the sense of quality, could be a cheap game on steam (which, you know, doesn't mean as much as it did back in the day, but you get what I'm saying).
Here, have 2$, I know it ain't a lot, but you did a really good job with this and you deserve every cent!
The movent in your game really feels great and dynamic, which is great. I also really like the visual changes on the gun model when picking up powerups, as well as the overall graphics.
The only negative thing I could say is that I accidentally lost my progress because I thought there was a pause menu on escape (should have read the game's description a bit more), so maybe that would be something you could add. And I feel like the rotation of the gun is a bit odd. Maybe rotate it a bit and move it slightly to the right
That's just a minor issue though and your game really is quite fun, so good job!
Nice UI and very cool music!
The camera is a bit clunky, maybe confining the camera to the game window would already make this work a lot better, but I am not sure if "Cursor.lockState" works in a WebGL build.
Another cool idea for a game like this is a scoreboard to compare yourself to other players!
Regardless of that, good job!
Hey, really happy you like it. A settings menu sounds like a great idea and optimization is definitely needed. Sadly didn't really have the time for that during the last week, but if I'll work further on this game after the rating period, I'll add your suggestions.
Will definitely check out your submission soon, thanks for the feedback!
While I did play this game alone, so controlling both characters at the same time (which made the entire thing even more chaotic I guess), I quite like it. Having the main menu be a level where the different paths lead to the tutorial, levels or the exit is a great idea by the way.
The only thing I think would be cool is if there was an actual consequence for going "out of sync" with the other player. Like "the further you get out of sync, the higher the difficulty gets".
Regardless of that, I like the unique concept. Well done!
Really cool concept well executed. Some sounds and maybe music would have been nice, but obviously not needed.
The game actually gets quite difficult after a while, which is great. I made it to a score of 3937, don't know if that's good or bad, but it was fun getting there. I also really like the "Job Rules" with the "Got it? No" starting the game, lol.
Good job, you made a very cool game!