Ah thank you! I'm so glad you love Peanut - he's definitely more than a little inspired by Shape of Water haha. I'm so glad you liked the DOTD demo, I hope the full game will be up to your expectations ❤️ And apologies for the late reply, I'll have an update up soon explaining a bit about my absence the last month or so~
Hi gothgoblin! Yes, the full version is in the works right now! you can see a little more about it at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/395662463/date-of-the-dead-a-monstrous-dati... I had a tentative goal of publishing it at the end of October but due to some unforseen circumstances it looks like it'll be a bit later. I'll update this page when it's ready <3
Hi Maladriots, if you mean will the full game have to be bought then yes! If the Kickstarter is fully funded then I plan to make the game available on Steam and Itch.io at what I hope is an affordable price - you can pledge to receive the full game as one of the KS rewards :)
I'm really glad you enjoyed the game!
The Kickstarter is now Live 💀✨