No, that means you can make a game with it and sell it but you cant buy one copy and then send it to ten other people for them to make their own games. As long as you bought the assets you can make, and then sell your game.
I'm not sure what does not exist, i tried making it now myself and it seems all is good. Caves will get fully reworked soon so there shouldn't be any more problems. If you need more help text me on discord and I'll try to help.
Yes its planned, I just want to have all the animations done first. And when its done i will add more playable characters and a naked version to create yourself.
The sprites are in png files so i think it should be compatible with rpg maker. I don't usually do commisions but you can text me on discord and we can talk about it there. :)
that means you cannot earn money using the free version of the pack. You can still make a game and post it for everyone for free, but cant earn money with it unless you got the paid version of the pack.