I noticed a mistake from the second demon:
uvf svefg cuenfr vf "url, V jnf nobhg gb unir n phc bs pbssrr!" v svtherq bhg gur anzr whfg ol thrffvat ohg va Rrretu'f cebsvyr vg fnlf ur jvyy "ershfr nal qevax bgure gura jngre" naq qbrfa'g zragvba gung ur vf n yvne fb jr nffhzr ur vf nyjnlf gryyvat gur gehgu sebz gur ehyrf va gur ortvaavat.
https://rot13.com/=(translater website for those curious who don't care about spoilers)
wait ok i think I'm missing how some of them died I'm kinda curious
spoilers below the cut. kinda.
ok i know that:
Numa: died from an eyestalk infection
Tori: ???
Oliver: died from a car crash
Natalie: ???
Kyungsoon: ??? it said at one point but i forgot it
Elijah: ???
Sean: died from alcohol poisoning i think
bought everything and unlocked everything! Such a cute game! tbh i wish that when you unlocked everything you got a secret ending or award or something. really great as a quick game and the visuals are really well done!
if you wanted to add more maybe you could make that different plants prefer different amounts of sunlight
id also love to see more decorations and upgrades, maybe like plant growth food or something
Can I ask that you make it possible for future games (or possibly previous ones too) to be playable in browser? For whatever reason, I can't figure out how to open your games on my computer (I always get some error message), and I always loved playing these in my browser as a kid, it was a lot easier to figure out. If not all good just figured I'd ask.
i think there is a glitch, the guy says hell give me something if i deliver a message and the window opens but nothing comes out. then i go to deliver the message and they say they will give me somthing, but the window doesnt open,this is the last thing i have to do
edit: got bad ending and im playing again, this time i did the letter thing first and it worked
even those first two spikes after the healing chest was hard! i also wish you could charge more then one spell at a time. wayyyyyy too hard. i finally got to the first lava floor but i can barely get past the first bat. wish there was an easy mode or something for more casual players like me. cute graphics tho
ok I've played again heres how it went
still i got way farther, faster then then before. i think the problem might be the rounded particles that takes up more space to generate, like the steam and before the transition particles.
i haven't made games in quite a while so i could be totally off on that but its just a theory
btw if you ever need a beta tester id love to be on the list each of your games is gorgeously atmospheric and I've loved everyone I've played!
im having trouble playing the game, the controls are very laggy after the second gem and the shift between scenes is ver slow :( is there a mac downloadable version i can play? maybe that would help a bit. i really want to play this beautiful game
edit: got 2 gems at once from the steam level and it went totally grey and crashed my chrome web browser tabs
i love how you can go back and fix the most of the damage you cause by replacing bigger buildings with windmills, yet its never gong to be quite the same as it once was. we can slow things down right now, but with all the damage we cause to the earth it will never be the same again, and we need to keep it as good as we can get it
i think thats the point, a lot of women cant even get an abortion if they wanted to because they have to go through so many hoops and red tape and other people (doctors, gov., family, bosses etc.) to finally be approved for one that it takes too long and too much time passes for the abortion to be okayed.