A lot of potential in this one. Sadly its ridden with bugs (Bomb droids exploding and certain zombie crew reanimation will crash the game, resulting in you losing your keys, credits, and keycards). Overall I love the Blake Stone aesthetic and inspiration to John Carpenter's movies like The Thing and Escape From New York
Anyways I did a full guide to the current build:
Btw i think i encountered a bug where the sentry turret will shoot you as well aside from enemies. it's in my video in Mission 5
Also, a feedback: it will be great if there is a silenced version of the SMG as a "New Game+" mode. I understand that the SMG cannot be silenced for weapon balancing reason but it would be fun to play it again with an overpowered weapon that won't alert anyone
Hey man! I really enjoy your game CTHON. The atmosphere and music still haunts my mind till today when I think about it.
Hmm what I like about the game? I love the music. I love the weapon and enemy design, and I like the pixel graphics. The whole game is wonderfully made overall and it reminds me a little bit of Marathon except if it's lovecraftian and in a Wolf3D-inspired engine.
Now what I don't like about it? Well the Grenadier class is useless as his main weapons runs out of ammo fast. I find myself using the projectile class the most while the melee class's only advantage is his movement speed.
Also I don't like how difficult it is on normal difficulty. I could only complete the game on easy and I have been playing shooters since I was a kid. Enemies are extremely unforgiving and they can chew your health faster than an MG42 spewing out lead. I feel that there should a window for you to evade their attacks.
Lastly, I think it will be great if there is a secret counter for each level so that I don't have to keep backtracking looking for any secret that I have left out
Despite it's flaws, it deserves a cult following and I'd look forward to CTHON 2