What an awesome premise, and such a tightly designed game built around that premise. I am extremely stoked that this game exists – thank you Brian!
I recorded some of my thoughts during my first readthrough here: https://twitter.com/yes_jon/status/1412235635440570369
What a rad game, like holy hell!
I documented my first readthrough here:https://twitter.com/yes_jon/status/1407703083270868997.
But god, if you're on the fence about buying this... don't be, it's awesome!
What an awesome, AWESOME take on heroic fantasy! This game has me so inspired, I live tweeted my first readthrough over here and could not contain my excitement: https://twitter.com/yes_jon/status/1404836741018570755
I knew that this was going to be an emotional experience going in, but it turned out to be an intense plunge into some unexpected depths. I recorded my playthrough here: https://twitter.com/yes_jon/status/1404201216830185472
I seriously love this! I covered my first readthrough here: https://twitter.com/yes_jon/status/1402339520670957568
A sweet, lovely game that is elegantly designed and allows you to really explore the emotional depths presented by its narrative theme – whether your story will be about hope, loss, survival, community, it's up to you! I documented my first readthrough here: https://twitter.com/yes_jon/status/1401950699156430849
This was SO lovely to read, and I can't wait for the full release!! My own readthrough / hype thread can be found here: https://twitter.com/yes_jon/status/1401303556783689730
Hello all! (Very excited, my first official itch jam)
I am planning to contribute between 1-3 audio files, essentially podcast episodes, with advice on working in a creative field while dealing certain mental health conditions. I will definitely be talking about ADHD and Imposter Syndrome (the two I have the most experience with), and possibly go into one more topic. The episodes will cover my own (and my collaborator's) lived experience and the ways we deal with these roadblocks, going into different approaches for different situations, and possibly even touch on some science about each subject.
Ironically, the main challenge for me will be to overcome those same roadblocks to create these resources, but hey, this will be a "practice what you preach" moment!