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A member registered Mar 26, 2017 ·View creator page →

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Life is a gift. Life is short. Play your gift!
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A magical kitten has to escape from a room. And it can create bubbles from stuff!
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Hexagonal puzzles...
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Command your own pixel flea circus (if you dare)!
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Learn to be an engineer
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Práctica de PGPI, curso 23/24
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Are you hairy? Solve this problem from the root. Attack its root cause.
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Un beat'em up clásico en donde será necesario dormir a la gente a base de tortas
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Hace 100 años ocurrió una brutal desgracia y el reino entero fue cruelmente engañado para esconderla.
Visual Novel
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Help Bugatti connect again to HIVEMIND.
A fruit game for the Spain Game Dev Jam 3
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You are a Lost robot. Find your parts... (Global Game Jam 2021)
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Help Alex to find his way to scape the Moon.
Interactive Fiction
The master of puppets needs to find the rewind key and the gunpuppet to finish its journey.
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I am crazy but you can try to controll me with the gravity. Good luck!
Defeat the giant (pixeled) beast! Be a ninja, and combat it from the city roofs.
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Ludum Dare 40
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The most cinematographic experience ina n 64x64 display I have had in my life!

Music/SFX/voice... Is amazing!


Impressive work!

You got a strategy game in 64x64 píxels!

I love so much chaos in so little space :).


Lot of work in your game! Interesting gameplay !


Yeah, controls are a kind of "try until it works"... I should have explained them.

But even doesn't knowing the controls, you got 190! Congrats!

And thank you for playing and providing comments!

Thanks for your kind comments!

Upgrading is a good idea! Maybe in next version :)

Awesome miniature! it's an excelent exercise of programming an remastering a classic :).

Its impressive how you worked in the 64x64 space you have! It's a fun racket game, well crafted and designed. congrats!

a race in 64x64? you did it! congrats!

I love the racoon! i hope it achieves its goals :D!
Nice scrolling effect and animation!

Nice game! small but cool. A simple gameplay, but with modifications to make it dynamic. Congrats!

Somebody suggested me toexplain the controls... Well, I thought it would be more interesting if players discovered them. But it wasn't a good idea, so:

  • Slide your mouse (PC) or finger (mobile/table)on the red bar to move thetrampoline. Be careful: circus' fleas don't land very well from high heights. But show must go on...
  • Tap or clic on the trapeze to do a piruette, at the proper time.
  • Cirus'fleas don't like fire. However, abucket of water makes them famous!
  • Wait for drama and speed, at some point...


And thanks por playing!

Thank you!

Did you try this MacOS version?

If it didn't work, there is a workaround:

  1. Download Godot Engine for MacOS.
  2. Download and uncompress the sources hosted at gitHub.
  3. Launch the editor (Godot Engine). If  it doesn't lanuch the game, just open the file project.godot from the Projects Godot Engine Window.

 Just le us know if it works! (We didn't try on a MacOS computer)

Thank you!

Our artist is very skilled, and we tried to make transitions between the animations so it looked smooth... The visual part was very important for us.


We couldn't calibrate the gameplay properly, and you are right... We will try  to find a solution to overcome that problem.
The RMB button activates a mechanic in which yo can control other bugs. It works with teh beetle, at this moment (you can move it forward and backwards).

 Thank you very much!
 We also learnt from other examples and games made with Godot Engine. Please, feel free to ask us any doubt related to the code (although we don't master the engine...).

Thank you!

 To start, I would recommend the tutorials you can find in the webpage of Godot Engine, and

We're glad to hear that gamedevs want to use Godot Engine!


Very clever game! clean, simple, but complete and full of surprises!

Very interesting! After getting use to the controls, the visual of the growing bug is very nice!

Would it be possible to get the killed bugs as new parts of the millipede?

Lot of work for one developer! Congrats!

I would suggest to add moving obstacles. But it is very fun to play!

Ciertamente se nota que se he cuidado con cariño y con muchas horas de trabajo. Y realmente la dinámica es una excusa para contar muchas historias :).


Nos alegra que resulte gracioso :). Hemos disfrutado creándolo.

PD: Si le sumas que es una cebolla la que se dedica a unir frutas, aún es más random XD. 


Intentaremos regular el ritmo de caída de pedazos. Quizás al principio pueda generarse más lentamente aún.

Lo de limpiar la fruta, habrá que activarlo. Caos sí, pero controlado. Y es muy buena idea incluir algún truco para mantener los montones, pero sin consumir tnatos recursos.


¡Exactamente! ¡Esa es la idea!

Es buena idea la de advertir de las siguientes frutas. ¡Apuntado!

Voy a celebrarlo con un buen zumo de Manzalátano y una tostada de Limoja.

¡Gracias! Nos encanta que resulte divertido.


A nuestra actriz de doblaje se le va a subir a la cabeza. Vale, se lo merece... Y al músico, que procesó las grabaciones...

Tienes razón con lo de los trozos de fruta excesivos. Culpa mía, que quería caos. Pero habrá que corregirlo.


Nuestra actriz lo borda. El: "Me muero" aparece cuando la fruta no está muy completa... Viene más de otra referencia XD.

Y lo de la secuela... ¡eres el primero que se ha fijado en ese detalle!

¡Muchas gracias!

Eres un gran creador... 30 frutas diferentes demuestra que has dado el 100% en nuestro juego...

Para la próxima versión, el algoritmo de generación de nombres será más determinista.

Y a ver si añadimos más variedad, incluso. Para que sigas creando.

¡Muchísimas gracias por una revisión tan exhaustiva! Son comentarios muy interesantes para futuras mejoras.

  • La mayoría del equipo me advirtió de que debíamos activar una caducidad para los trozos de fruta (sobre todo por la parte de rendimiento). Pero yo quería ver el mundo arder...
  • Tienes razón: para futuras versiones, tenemos que trabajar más la estrategia de generación y ubicación de los trozos de frutas.
  • Al final del todo iban a aparecer las frankenfrutas, no solo su nombre. En la siguiente versión...
  • Efectivamente, la música rige la velocidad de caída. Nuestro músico compone y programa. Es un máquina :) (o Musigramador, como diría un Frankenfruta).
  • Nuestra actriz de doblaje sabe darle el toque adorable que requerían los personajes. Menos mal que la convencimos para participar...

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