Could you explain this part?
"Whenever you run out of Hearts, you are knocked out and will need to rest somewhere safe to recover. When you do, add or subtract 1 from your number (minimum 2, maximum 5) as you recommit yourself."
Does that mean add or subtract from your SONG/SWORD? And does it get better or worse?
Oh my gosh! Thanks for much! I was having trouble wrapping my head around the mechanics but I think I get it now. Gonna give it a try for sure. I LOVE the directionyou went with for the art. It's super cool. I normally go for the printer-friendly options but when I saw that 80s or early 90s style - I was like, "This needs to be in my binder in all it's glory. Thanks again!
I love your games and your original setting! Ever since I read and player your game MSX, I've wanted to know more about the Shadowlords setting. So once I translated this book and the GM book, I was so excited to see you included historical timelines and lore information! It's so good! Learning about the origin of Skandir and his minions, seeing how the world was shaped by war and magic, it's as fun as actually playing the game! Thank you for working so hard on your setting and your games. Keep up the good work!
This is fantastic! I played and enjoyed Elegy and I regularly play Ironsworn but I find both to be a little too...beefy for my limited day-to-day playtime. I love the evocative art. Oh and the instructions are clear and concise enough for a nitwit like me to understand. Great work! Hope to see more in the future!
"Nucleobliterator Cannon" is one of the best names for a fucking weapon ever. Love the whole style of the layout. And the three attributes shoot, punch, kiss - way cool. Everything has this sort of alt-trans-punk aesthetic (is that even a thing?) which is really different and fun to read. Everything sort of POPS and gets you pumped to bash a nazi skull in with your platform shoes before hitting up the club for some victory fucking.
Beautifully done! The art and layout are fantastic. Everything you need to run amazing roleplaying session is right there in the rulebook. As a solo gamer, I'm super excited to see all the extra tables for hex crawls and GM emulation. There's even a settlement generator AND npc generator? It's an all-in-one package! Brilliant work! Much respect!
I love this game so much. I've been playing Ironsworn for ages and when I found the original version of Iron Valley I was overjoyed. And this new update? OMG! I can't believe how well it's all come together. And the art is absolutely adorable and totally sells the whole theme and aestetic. Super fun to play! Super simple too! Can't wait for those romantic updates 😗 I really wanna ask my grocer to marry me!
Does this require Solitary Defilement or is it more or less your version of that supplement? I already use Defilement and Feretory and in wondering what sets this apart if anything. I realize it's an expansion but I've seen some people saying it's more it's on thing and they don't use both supplements?
"Hello there! Welcome to the world of Pokémon!" - Professor Oak.
The very first time I booted up Pokémon Blue on the gray brick that was my brother's Game Boy, I was hooked. Inside was a whole new world filled with monsters, giant bugs, mythical birds, and terrifying science experiments.
As I traversed the pixelated world, I imagined myself journeying with my own Pokémon pals, spelunking in the cool, damp caves of Mt. Moon, or getting lost in the maze-like Viridian forest, or surfing across the vast ocean to the volcanic island of Cinnabar. As the years passed, I picked up each new game and had so many more adventures - but none of them could ever recreate that first time in 1998. Nothing, that is, until I was browsing Itch one day and found this absolute gem.
As I read the rules of Pokémon Tales, I could feel a childlike grin crossing my face, and the images of my 10-year-old self with his pal Squirtle at his side and the Indigo Plateau on the horizon, filled my mind. All at once, every Pokémon dream I had ever had seemed possible.
The simple rules coupled with the excellent guidance and examples of gameplay make learning this game a breeze, and soon I was starting out on my own Pokémon adventure. The going was tough - my starter Pokémon and I ran into some trouble in the forest near my hometown as the infamous Team Rocket attempted to steal some of the forest's rarer Pokémon. But Squirtle and I were able to team up with a spunky Phantump and send Team Rocket into the stratosphere! Afterward, Phantump joined our team, and we waved goodbye to the forest Pokémon and headed off together to our next great adventure.
I can't recommend Pokémon Tales enough. If you've ever wanted to blaze your own path through the world of Pokémon, meeting strange and amazing pals, then this is the right game for you. Learning to play without roleplaying game without dice may seem a little confusing at first, but once it clicks, you'll be weaving amazing stories and forging new legends in no time.
Thank you, Iron Echo Games, for your hard work and dedication to making something we Poké fans have been begging for all these years.
"Your very own Pokémon legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokémon awaits! Let's go!" - Professor Oak.