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A member registered May 17, 2015

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So, the NeoGeo rom isn't supported by emulators?

I'm trying to use the NeoGeo rom in RetroArch and I can't figure out which core to use. FBneo said it was from an unknown romset and all the other cores I tried didn't work.

I honestly cannot wait. Snap the Sentinel SLAPS and that's from someone who only played a level or two from Episode 1.

I'd like to add games from my Steam, GOG and itch libraries, as well as from my dedicated games folder.

Many GameMaker games on Portmaster typically do have patches that have to be applied on the first run.

Doesn't AmberElec have Portmaster included? As a member of their Discord, I've brought a handful of GameMaker games to Portmaster and I actually have DOZENS of ports in the pipeline. And Mushroom Kingdom Fusion is on countless folks' wishlist, but the way GameMaker games are ported (GMloader) requires a "" file and numerous other external files (OGG music, for example). And the only way that's possible is if Mushroom Kingdom Fusion is ported to a newer version of GameMaker. There's another Portmaster release, Hyper Princess Pitch, that needed to be ported from an older version of GameMaker before being brought to Portmaster (and before that the PlayStation Vita).

I understand that there is more to it than just switching to a more recent version of GameMaker.

Considering this one's aesthetic, a 16-bit version would be more apropos.

I personally hope so. As both an Android gaming handheld user AND as a part of the Portmaster community, an Android port would be an awesome get. The reason I mentioned Portmaster is that since Sonic Legends uses YYC, the current method to port GameMaker games won't work unless there's an Android port. And this would look SO effin' boss on my RGB10 Max 3 running Rocknix, right alongside all the other Sonic fangames that got ported, which includes Sonic Time Twisted, Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit (that one was probably the hardest to pull off), and all the Open Sonic SMS games (including the two Taxman-style remakes of the first two Sonic SMS games).

I've also dabbled heavily in the porting scene, having done four ports so far (each from another excellent dev here on, Harley "hwilson" Wilson). In fact, I've even joined the Ultra Ring Discord in search of more great Sonic fan games to port. And if I can't, there's a whole community who'd probably welcome the opportunity.

Tried downloading this and it triggered my antivirus. My antivirus, Windows Security, said it detected "Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml". It's more than likely a false positive, something that I've been getting here and there lately. Just a heads up and hope you get it fixed, because this game looks cool.

Do all the games at least feature a standard control scheme for playing via Steam, so that one would only need to map certain keys to buttons (i.e. WASD to left stick, mouse to right stick, mouse buttons to triggers, etc) for the Spectral Mall launcher and have them work in each game with little to no messing with each game's native controls?

Oh, it's not for me. I was just curious since I figured someone would probably port their game to consoles.

Would it be possible to make buttons with the Playstation controller in mind? Considering the PS5 doesn't use the color scheme of old, I'd assume just the symbols would be enough.

WadSmoosh has been a GODSEND for me since I have a lot of mods and now in lieu of countless ZDL files to correspond to various Doom mods I can just have one for the various Doom IWADs. So now I just have Brutal Doom Complete instead of Brutal Doom/Brutal Doom II/etc, and so on for my other mods that work with the entirety of the Doom IWADs. Especially since I have a collection of Doom mods in my Steam library.

But one such mod gave me an issue when trying it with Sigil II. The mod, Embers of Armageddon, works well with the WadSmoosh-created Doom Complete IWAD until I try to play Sigil II with it. It gave me this error message:

VM execution aborted: tried to read from address zero.
Called from WadSmooshHandler.WorldThingSpawned at doom_complete.pk3:zscript.txt, line 106

I told the developer of the mod about it and they this is what they said:

The code that sets Spider Masterminds' health set to 9000 in Sigil II fails to null-check for the existence of the Spider Mastermind in the first place. This is not an EOA issue, this is a WadSmoosh issue.

I was wondering if there was a way to fix this on your end, since apparently the dev said it's not an issue with the mod.

Tried this in GZDoom with the Bolognese Gore Mod and Corruption Cards. Works like a dream.

So far, at least.

If it helps, the RP3+ has a keymapper feature. I've used it to decent success with games devoid of native controller support.

I tried to install it onto my Retroid Pocket 3+ but the Play Store said it wasn't compatible.

I don't need a refund, mostly because it was only a buck. But I'd definitely mention that the Android version isn't included in the downloads.

I bought the game here because it said that there'd be the Android version included with the files, but I don't see it. I wanted to install the game on my Retroid Pocket 3+ but Google Play said it's not compatible (I'll believe it when I see it) and the Amazon Appstore link was dead.

Any way I can run this on an Android-based Amiga emulator? I'd love to play this on my Retroid Pocket 3+.

I was asking since I'm whipping up a Project Eris build for my nieces and nephews and if it'd run on a PSC via Amiberry I'd consider adding it.

Made a cover for this game. Some time ago, yours truly caught the custom cover art bug, so I fired up Gimp and made a cover for this. And then I remade it, since I shrunk the previous on down to fit into a 226px square.

Wrong series.

If it helps, Are You Afraid of the Dark? is streaming on Paramount+, though some episodes are missing.

Shot in the dark, but would it run on the PlayStation Classic modded with Project Eris via AmiBerry or perhaps through Retroarch?

Can't wait. And can I just say how much the game's changed for the better between demos? Any word of console releases? I'd love to see this on PS4, preferably with PS Vita cross-buy. Keep up the awesome work!! on on Facebook
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