Hey Tony! First and foremost, ICON 1.5 is not by me, but by massif press! The lore and artwork is theirs and theirs alone, and I am just grateful enough to be part of the community of creators around the game.
Second! Yes, I am still around, and yes, I'd love to tackle some comissions. I have since then gone back to a day job, unfortunately, which means I'm not cranking out assets as fast as before, but I would love to do those.
Either way, I'm realy happy these are helping you out!
I do not own most of the mech designs! They're fromMassif Press' RPG,Lancer. The tiles and the GMS mechs are CC0, tho!
Hey jumpjets, thanks for stopping by! Most of these characters are actually designed and copyrighted by Massif, so I don't feel comfortable doing that. I would love to eventually make some rpg maker sets though, and just characters are a lot easier than tilesets so it might happen - just can't promise a date as work needs to give me downtime for that!
Hello! I'm deffo buying the purchase version as soon as I can but meanwhile looking at the free version, I'm loving the art credits but I'm specifically floored by the cover art and the 4 iconics on this page, too. Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere but I couldn't find it on the credits - does anyone know who that (or those) artist is(are)?
Aaah muito obrigado!
Eu realmente me arrependo hoje em dia de ter deixado o save point do jacaré num lugar onde não dá pra voltar. Foi uma escolha proposital, pra não parecer que vencer o Dragão primeiro era obrigatório, mas que no fim acho que foi uma escolha pouco acertada. Fico muito feliz que tenha jogado, e mais ainda com o comentário! Obrigado, de verdade!
Thank you tons, King!
I have indeed considering making tokens for the NPCs, but I still don't feel comfortable committing to a release date - I love the Retrograde Minis designs to bits, but since they're their own original designs rather than coming from the source book I feel I wouldn't feel comfortable copying their hard work. That means I would have to design all of them again, and while that sounds really fun, I don't know when I'll have the time to do it all.
I definitely want to do those, though! Maybe when I have a more concrete grasp on things I'll announce them.
I have just uploaded the new file, so luckily you'll enjoy at least one of the 6 GMS designs!
Thank you so much!
I do plan on adding around 6 "generic" original mecha frames for usage as Everest/Sagamartha options, but right now I'm drawing a blank on more tile ideas. Will definitely release a fantasy pack later this year, with a gridless tileset that shoud also be useable for Lancer - but that's going to be its own release :)
With the mecha designs belonging to Massif Press, I'm guessing a commercial Actual Play or something would be fine, but not a full fledged videogame, I guess? Either way, they own that part.
The tiles are completely mine so go ahead and use and modify them to your heart's content! A link back and/or credits would be appreciated, but not mandatory at all :)
Nunca joguei o tarzan de gameboy, quero muito dar uma olhada agora! Fico muito feliz quando as pessoas descobrem esse fogo haha.
Obrigado pela crítica sobre os chefes - eu peguei isso no teste mas na época não tive muita idéia de como resolver. Acho que dar i-frames pros chefes já resolveria, mas fica o aprendizado pro próximo projeto. Brigadão pelo tempo de jogar e comentar aqui! <3