The crashing problem is an incompatibility between your computer and the version of Unreal Engine 4 that Perfect Vermin is made in.
Much time has been dedicated to resolving it but, alas the issue is beyond the scope of our ability to fix due to involving the engine itself.
-Talia (Game Designer/Game Artist)
Art by the incredibly talented Gloom Dude: @ElmanoloC
Brutal Orchestra a turn based roguelike set in the bowels of Purgatory has received a massive free content update!
The time has come and the world expands! New friends and foes reveal themselves in every corner.
Find new party member's such as Burnout a tormented sadist with an endless taste for violence or Fennec a deeply ill man who sprout dangerous spines and quills from his very bones.
Challenge a menagerie of new foes, from the Keko worms that swim within the dunes to the squawking and shrieking Scrungies flying high above the mountain tops to the Conductor Music Men, bloated with tumours. Even deep within the Garden leviathans struggle to consume one another.
Complete a quest on the behalf of the Ungod, and fulfill it's request to snuff out an infant usurper that if left unchecked would someday challenge the gods themselves.
There has never been a better time to dive into Brutal Orchestra!
Hello GamingInteractive,
Thanks! Unfortunately development on Perfect Vermin is wrapped and we are unlikely to work further on the game beyond critical fixes. We would love to localize Perfect Vermin to other languages but localization is hard to justify for a free project. Some people have generously reached out about localizing Perfect Vermin for free but we feel uncomfortable about not being able to compensate localizers for their labour.
The good news is Angad and I have begun development on a new project together that will ultimately release for a price tag so it is likely this future project will be localized/ported to other platforms depending on its performance after launch.
Its going to be very different than Perfect Vermin but I suspect people will dig it!
Thanks again,
-Maceo (Game Designer/ Game Artist)
Hey huzelbuzel,
Glad to hear you like the look of Brutal Orchestra!
I understand your frustration with plethora of similar turn-based RPG's, especially here on Itch, but I think you would be glad to find that Brutal Orchestra has very little mechanically in common with RPG-maker projects or JRPG games.
Brutal Orchestra plays much more similarly to games like "Into the Breach", "Darkest Dungeon" or "Slay the Spire".
Thanks again,
-Maceo (Game Designer/Game Artist)
Hey bridgecobbler,
This is an issue we are aware of but unfortunately do not have a clear solution to. We do know the issue is not caused by Perfect Vermin itself but instead an interaction with another program most often the users antivirus. Most users who have suffered from this issue have been able to get around it by making an exception for Perfect Vermin in their antivirus.
Hopefully that helps,
-Maceo (Game Designer/Game Artist)
By the events of the game, there was nothing that could have been done for him. However if he had taken care of his body over the course of his life he likely could have extended his life by decades.
In regards to the newscaster's relationship with his mother there isn't much I could tell you that he doesn't say in the game. Other details about their relationship wouldn't really expand upon the narrative.
Hello Peacemaker_04,
I'd encourage you to post to Perfect Vermin's Steam discussions page if the issue you are having is with Perfect Vermin on Steam.
People experiencing frequent crashes are often attempting to run Perfect Vermin on a device below Perfect Vermin's minimum system requirements.
So even though you may have a compatible version of windows your computer itself might be falling below these system requirements.
If the issue does not seem to be caused by your system being below Perfect Vermin's requirements please make a post to Perfect Vermin's Steam community discussions describing your issue in greater detail and we will look into the issue immediately.
-Maceo (Game Designer/Artist