Played this on my Channel's Series called3 SCARY GAMES! It's the 3rd game I played in the video starting at19:13!
I just want to start by saying this game was AMAZING! Even with how simple/short of a game this is, The Visuals, Gameplay, Atmopshere, Ambience & the overall optimization for a VHS style game felt really good! I think I nearly lost it with the crazy "Twist". Def makes me cautious of any Convenience Store bathrooms from here on out ;P Overall such a really cool experience and highly recommend anyone to try it!
Played this on my Channel's Series called3 SCARY GAMES! It's the 1st game I played in the video starting at1:20!
This was hands down one the most unsettling experiences I've ever had. This game blew me away with the amount and suspense this game built with the incredible atmosphere and sound design. Not only that but the the general twists and story of this game unexpected which just made it even better. Overall I highly recommend this game to anyone really wanting to be scared out of their mind!
I just want to start out by saying...THIS GAME GOT ME GOOD! Everything from theAtmosphere, Visuals & Setting made this game a really unsettling experience! But theSound Design is what really made me happy! It isVERY well made, and I think most horror games don't focus on it enough. Since this is a demo, I know there wouldn't be too much story present, but I honestly liked the mystery of it. Not knowing what it all means added to the spookiness.
The only thing that could of helped me in my experience, was to maybe define a bit more of what the battery you were looking for, is actually for. (ex. Find the Battery for the Camera) or something of that nature. That way im not aimlessly walking in the dark with the Camera that doesn't fully work yet. XD
Overall I really enjoyed this experience and can't wait to see what is next for the game!
I just want to start by saying I love the idea or creation of this Primary Color Man! He's a super freaky and interesting entity and honestly can't wait to see more! Overall the Atmosphere, Visuals, Sound Design were awesome in this game! Even with how fairly short the game was, honestly didn't take away from the experience and the scares got me good many times xD Overall a really good game!
This was hands down one of the best Analog Indie Horror Games I've played! Everything from the Atmosphere, Visuals, Sound Design, Gameplay, Pacing & the surprising amount of Story, were all really well made! Honestly didn't want the game to end, and really hope you continue to make even more great games!
I just want to start by saying this is hands down one theBEST Indie Horror Games I have ever played! Let alone this game being free almost feels like a crime.
Everything about this game from theRetro Visuals, Atmosphere, Sound Design, Gameplay, Pacing, Story, Setting, Comedy-to-Terror is absolutelyamazing! Never have gone from such genuinely funny comedy, to being scared of my next move/interaction in any game before. Not only that but the story and the way backstory was introduced truly had me hooked all the way to the end! Overall, like I said before, This was one of/ if not my favorite Indie Horror Game really and want to thank you for giving me an experience I will never forget! Can't wait to see what you make next!10/10 my friend!