Hey, Nice game !
It was a bit overwelming to have all opportunities at once (all effects / cards)
But once understood all the macanisms, it was fun to try to adapt the stance to the situation,
A thing that comes in the comments is that I didn't had time to understand the CPU actions (mauby a button to validate and have the time to read ? donno)
Othertwise realy cool cevk builder game, well done !
yes IT can be eat ;)
I was thinking of the king been aside too like the enemy and picking food from there (I've seen a comment and I join him/her that at first I was thinking the King was also a piece of food at the start, didn't realised he was in the center of the grid)
Aswell of "highlight" the foods that can be reachable could be a good idea too to facilitate the life of the player
I'm just throwing out the ideas I had when playing, I know its a lot of reworks ^^",
but I think it means it has a lot of potential ;)
Hey, realy nice take !
loved the Art style and the concept is realy cool, unlocking the actions little by little,
For a bit of feedback, I think there is no need of the "moove" system
I mean you can keep the "unlock from the inside" thoo this is the core gameplay that I loved, but the fact that you have to move 1 case by one case when you only have few can take me out of the experience.
Anyway I had a realy great time on it, I think it can be pushed further !
5 on 5 on this one !
loved the intro & the vibes of the game,
always amazed how poeple can make such nice games with this minimalist art style!
Sfx was on point
I thnik I found the META, turn into a house builder, letin only one entry and wait in you room for having heals xD (get to le 55 and quit ^^)
anyway realy great entry !
Nice, simple but effective,
for a peace of feadback, maybe a curve of progression could have been great, juste scalling the diffulty by spacing the balls more at the begining, and get them closer and closer the far the player go ?
Anyway had a greattime, pixels are nices, music is to the point !
Great job !
Quite an interesting puzzle 'ish game !
Even if I got some music experience in my young age, It was quite hard and after the tutorial
quind of unforgiving to reset all notes when you have 5 ones to place, and when you hit all above 98% exept one, and having to redo all them ...
Nice take, I enjoyed it !
Hey, thanks for playing and the words,
Yes HS Arena was a big ref (that and tryed to replay the MTG draft feeling that I used to do with friends when I was young ^^), And yes, ran out of time to add some depth on cards & combos mix, but I will push the concept I think, I have the guts that it can be a cool Deckbuilder ^^
Thank you for palying !
Nice entry, simple but effective,
I've made 50k+ (nit sure if its good, or realy nothing xD)
I find a way to make te blobs going numbs by going a the edge when you teleport from left/right , and juste playing with the edges
(the blobs get stuk on "he's on left, ho no he's on right, on no on left again ... )
Not sure if it was intended but I had a lot of fun xD
The player is cute too, liked the animation ! Music was on point matching perfectly the Art and gameplay
good job on it
ho wow, had a blazst !
Runed out of ammo at wave 7 killed barely 200'is zombs!
This entry is amazing, super well polished
(Loved the "rainy" effect and all the lil gloss that add to the ambiance ! and the music track, what a banger !)
it makes me swet all along ! the corn fild is sooo scary with no visions !
For a piece of feedback, the only thing I see is that you may maybe updated for a better experience for me at least (but it is maybe the point in it ;) ) is releasing a bit the presure between waves (by adding maybe 5 or 10 sec of waiting delay, the time to catch the breath or find ammo / Heal missed)
Other than that it was amazing ! Loved the 2.5D integration and all the sadmosphere !
5 on a 5
ho thanks for the words !
If you like startegy'ish games,be carefull to the addiction, Deckbuilders are so cool
(The first one to put in on Video Game is Slay the Spyre, It was a realy bnig inspiration for my entry).
At the very basis, it comes from a Board game called Dominion (if you like Board games, it has a loooot of extentions and is realy fun too at 2/3/4)
(if it is not the first one with the concept it is the one that spread it to the world )
artstyle is awesome,
The concept is so cool, being the builder of your world !
Can't manage to get high because I suck at platformers ^^ but tested all the tiles !
MAybe a way to improve can be a number of life point instead of instant death for bad players like me :)
But in 48 h it is awesome what you've made ! great job !
Love the vibes, make me think of SnowPiercer movie/ Show.
Had a cool "feature" thoo, where I lost my leg (only able to see the front if I jump on the command board, I laught so hard ! it made the game loop more chalanging xD
I didn"t follow much the dev unfortunatly (had to work on my entry ^^")
Nice take !
admosphere is great ! loved the music and sfx too !
It take me a run to understood that you had to match the color,
but once understood, it was a fun time !
Maybe the speed can scale a little bit earlier ? (had a 15/20sec that i get "borred" before the speeds sclaes up and make thing way more chalanging)
Anyway great entry nice job !