My only advice would be to make the character animations for slicing more realistic, and allow the character significantly more forward movement in a combo. Also the zombies have too much health, and dodging should be button+direction, not two separate button if you want to align with other games in this genre. Overall, cool game! I love the atmosphere and antagonist(?) narration. Reminds me a lot of sundered, but more spooky in a good way.
The Numerus Corporation Virtual Orientation is a callback to old text-based adventure games, but with a new horror style. It sprung from a game jam, but after polishing it I thought I would present it to you.
You play as James, a nice fellow who recently got a job at Numerus Corp, but strange things begin happening to his computer after the orientation starts. By closing your eyes and completing the orientation, you might be able to make it out with your life, but the demon sitting just past the screen will not let you go easily.
Please check out my game, and remember…
Best played in a dark room w/headphones!
I have seen and died to the master puppet thing.
I have also seen and undied to the eye with wings.
Is that it?
Also, even if it is, This was a very fun experience. The aha moment of dying on the first level was very satisfying, and rewarded with a lot of interesting/strange content. Thank you for making this!