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A member registered Jul 29, 2022 ·View creator page →

Creator of

a minimalist d6 sword & sorcery rpg
fundamentos e boas práticas para mestrar rpgs
alternative way to create rpg adventure locations
rules light, quick, casual, 2d6 sword & sorcery rpg

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mapa simples, aventuras rápidas e super temáticas, excelente material!

Amazing game, the spellcasting wordsearch is pure genius!

great game, I love your ideas and your blog, keep them coming!

That looks very good, some new ideas and approaches. Very customizable and open for players and GM's creativity. Simple and straightforward rules to facilitate play and flow of the table. The "D9" dice is very interesting and useful. I like that the GM doesn't need to roll dice (player faced game).  I really like how it's going. I will get the final version as soon as I can.

Very nice and different game. I love the theme and how fast it plays.

This game is revolutionary and made me rethink about how to run and play rpg's. Thanks a lot for this.

haha, that's a fun idea, just remember to foreshadow it somehow to your players, because doubling corruption may instantly destroy their characters.

Hello, thanks for checking out my game and for your comment. 

First of all, the elemental imprisonment/consumption is only an optional rule/suggestion, not a mandatory rule. If you don't like it or if it doesn’t make sense to you, you certainly don’t need to use it (and you can do this withanyrule, of course). 

You make a good point, and that also makes sense. However, from my perspective, I think that when you try to use magic and bend reality, you gain corruption because you are drawing from a power that is unknown or that you can’t fully control. If you succeed in consuming an elemental, you absorb that raw magical power and internalize it, thus reducing your corruption. Another way of thinking is that when you acquire the raw power of an elemental, you can channel that energy to cast more spells, thus lowering your corruption level (since you will be further from your maximum corruption threshold).

I fixed/clarified the rule once again, see if now it makes sense for you. Thanks again!

Amazing and useful material. I loved the art. Great tables. The growth system is genius, I already did that unconsciously in my games and your systematization and examples were wonderful.

Muito legal, nota 10 vocês disponibilizarem esse material em PDF, adoro esse RPG tem muita ideia boa!

Thanks for the comment/feedback. I'm glad you liked the tables! I will try to make that advancement rule more clear in the near future. But you can remove corruption spending advancements points. It costs more if you have more corruption (each 3 tiers/level). For removing 1 corruption point only, you must spend 1 advancement point for every 3 levels of corruption you already have.  If you have up to 3 corruption, you spend 1 advancement point to remove 1 corruption (1:1 ratio). But if you have 7 corruption, to go from 7 to 6 of corruption, you must spend 3 advancement points (3:1 ratio). Then, to go from 6 to 5, you need more 2 advancement points (2:1 ratio).

This book is amazing, minimalist and very useful!

Thx for the comment Krakn, I'm glad you liked it. I fixed what you said, thanks!

muito interessante o material, parabéns, curti muito os efeitos mágicos das máscaras e adorei a máscara do sonho, pois dá margem pra novas aventuras (oníricas, rs).

muito legal a aventura, excelente design, muito fácil de mestrar, adorei poder clicar no mapa e ir pra descrição da sala, parabéns!

thx a lot for the comment! I love playing it solo and now there is a quick guide for that!

Sensacional o material, parabéns.

Adorei as tabelas aleatórias, a parte solo, e a parte dos monstros.

Se me permite uma sugestão: talvez colocar uma tabela de dificuldade (fácil, normal, difícil, muito difícil) dos testes como uma referência pros mestres.

Simplesmente incrível, um excelente RPG, acho que para todas as pessoas.

Parabéns pelo trabalho. Adorei o sistema de pilhas de d6 com possibilidade de sucesso parcial, achei genial sua ideia e eu adoro os três níveis de sucesso.

arte encantadora, achei a aventura muito interessante, viva o RPG solo!

Se eu puder dar uma sugestão: talvez fazer uma versão print friendly tirando as páginas inteiras pretas?

Where it reads: "ADSde um personagem não-jogador também indica seus Pontos de Saúde, então agora o VD do Robô Louva a Deus passa a ser 8. Caso o somatório da jogada tivesse sido 8, e não 12, o personagem teria recebido 2 pontos de dano".

Should be: "AVDde um personagem não-jogador também indica seus Pontos de Saúde, então agora o VD do Robô Louva a Deus passa a ser 8. Caso o somatório da jogada tivesse sido 8, e não 12, o personagem teria recebido 2 pontos de dano".

I laughed a lot reading this comment. Thanks for the obviously overrated comments, but I do hope that you liked the game!

Bem legal a Zine, gostei bastante.

Adorei o gerador de nome de Orcs, kkkk.

Very good zine. Nice ideas and remarks about playing rpg's.

I've always liked gray zones when portraying goblins and kobolds. In one of my adventures, the party allied with the kobolds and now they made a fortress at the mountains, creating a company of mercenaries.

I've never liked alignment also. We have similar ideas.

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