Hey thank you very much for your feed-back I appreciate it ! I don't know why your game froze as it should've worked properly, it's weird... We encountered a few issues in the game also, that's why we removed some elements like the shield. I will give an eye to the bug you encountered. For the falling curve you're right it looks a bit weird regarding the camera perspective. Of course you noticed it's purely inspired from The Binding of Isaac, which I'm a huge fan of. Anyway thank you very much for your comment on our game ! I'm also going to give my feed-back to your game and every other games, I just didn't have the time so far ^^ Thank you :)
Teams are encouraged. It's easier, faster and funnier to work with people, and it keeps you motivated. I'll keep this thread updated, feel free to ask for teamates if you want to. Here are the people looking for teamates to work with on this jam :
Answer in this thread if you are looking for teamates, I'll add you here ;)