Hey there! Lost Direction is a pure psychological horror game, meant to embody the original concept of the backrooms. I will not spoil the experience, but some things require obtuse methods to discover or are extremely rare.
If you want to find them here's some hints:
- Investigate the radios,some are lures
- Try accessing area 25/50 with different methods, in the current version the game will break, but with a specific method you can access the level as intended
- Try to unlock the ACCESS DENIED structures
Thanks for checking the game out, glad you enjoyed it!
In the current build of the game it is not possible to reach the tower, however this will change in an update. Originally the premise was you were receiving transmissions from the tower through the radios you can occasionally find, with them becoming more clear and threatening the closer you get.
Id also love to see your video if you don't mind, thanks again!
No worries, glad you played it again! loved watching your video
id like to de-mystify some things a bit
> I totally agree on the lighting, but there is something new to aid that which I'm surprised you never found given how long you played, there's equipment you can find, keys, better flashlights, and some other stuff. Could just be RNG but there's a lot of stuff that was added to tie it in with some other projects of mine, mainly Radio Disturbance.
> The "levels" are procedurally generated of course, but as of the latest update some aspects are baked into them, such as area locations, features, events that can spawn. So some content does get locked behind certain levels. There are also special levels that can appear if you trek real far down namely partial 25.
> The faces you saw are very rare, very glad to see someone run into them, I find it hilarious that you encountered it on the one area I was hoping no one would see them though, Normally you can just get glimpses of them behind doorways.
Thanks for playing! While I don't think lost direction will be getting any new updates your feedback in the vid was invaluable, I will definitely consider it with newer projects!
hey! its actually a bug that this occurs, theres supposed to be some special secret stuff that happens every 25 levels, atm it soft locks the game. If you want to progress further you'll need to find an elevator on the previous level to skip the softlock.
and PS, there is no end, it is truly infinite
thank you! theres currently a bug where rolling a dice over your characters tile softlocks the game, to avoid this throw them against the edges of the play area to bounce them, once rolled you can move them anywhere you wont until they are locked
there will be a post-jam update that fixes this and many other bugs, as well as adding new content!