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A member registered Jan 01, 2021 ·View creator page →

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Animated battlers, map sprites, portraits and more!
RPG Battler - 4 Frame - 14 Poses - Actor or Enemy
RPG Battler - 4 Frame - 14 Poses - Actor or Enemy

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Hi Dollarrain, though there's no direct plug-in like Mz, XP or  VXace , RPGMaker MV does have some plug-ins that can incorporate different sheet formats. The ones that I know of can be found here: 
Which contains outside links to their respective sites.  MV hasn't had a dedicated programmer work on a plug-in to replicate what other engines have done.

If you'd like to use them as a default format then there's a free program to convert the files into MV style sheets:

You're very welcome, spread the word :)
I hope to have a very expansive free library for everyone to be able to enjoy one day.

Hi there, you can use them in any engine you like. You're also allowed to edit the format if it's not compatible with those engines.

It would be advised that the other templates would be better if you're going to do that since their 4 frames per pose where as these are only 3.

Medusa hasn't been finished yet but I want to get back to that one as soon as I can. The  pack will be updated with all current releases shortly.

I've been doing a few but in a painted style, helps the battlers stand out more.

I have a base done and a couple of heroes on the RPG Maker official forums. Not enough for a  pack yet though.

The free heroes pack, and all the other template packs come with weapon sheets  on separate images, hope that helps.

That's great, thank you for selecting my graphics to be part  of your project. 

Thanks :) These will be getting an overhaul soon, there's been some minor pose alterations and a lot more weapons that can be used.
There is a dual wielding   job class Assassin but it's not finished yet - using the  Samurai base.
Also for something like Darth Maul - the assist job class has weapons like a large stick which could be converted into that style of double edge weapons... going to have to think of a jobclass name for that. Thanks for the input, got some things to plan.

Yes, already planned for the Cleric job class.   Like with all my job class designs it's twined with the Fighter that uses the giant Knuckle weapon. 

Here's a list of what job classes use which weapon:

Oh please link me to that when you do, I love seeing people make use of these.  They're free to reformat/edit if needs be.

Brilliant utility for getting all those loose icons together, 500+ 32x32 images into one sheet in a matter of seconds. 
Placed this in my personal recommended tools as it does the perfect job.

These sheets aren't any default in RPG Maker. I'm currently converting them into Default RPG Maker plug and play sheets. Though they won't be able to have visual weapons, they'll be ready to use as is.

Thank  you, I've just also uploaded a full character using this template and 30 gun weapons. I tried to include as many different angles as possible.

Thank you once again, always want to offer the easiest of experiences with what I create.
 I've uploaded the new update as a .zip file
Also set up the alternative account for donations.

Appreciate taking the time to explain the benefits of that and I hope you also enjoy the latest releases.   

Aw thank you, I've been working really hard to try and get these just right.  I'm currently redoing the enemies pack to have correct 32x32 turn icons also and possibly item drop icons for use as rewards or crafting weapons material.
Sorry for asking but what other alternatives is there to paypal?
Ah I didn't know that about RAR files, thanks for the information on that.

Fantastic creation, is the plan to start with the default characters?

Thank you, they're being designed soon. This free asset will also be useful for people wanting to try before buying. Since the visual equipment side of this will also work with the clothed characters.

This first set is just bases for people to create their own clothes for. After the job classes are done I'll be creating costumes for characters.

Yes, within the description this isn't limited to RPGMaker. They don't follow any default format or use any assets from the RPG Maker series. so there's no need to own any RPG Maker to use in say unity for example.

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