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A member registered Dec 02, 2020 ·View creator page →

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Control clouds and suns to make people thrive!
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Farm vegetables at day - Make soups from them at night!
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Survival RTS - make your colony of beans survive!
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What kind of life will you live? Will you focus on your work or go out partying every night!
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Make your way to the top of the dungeon by taking the shape of ANYTHING you can find!
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A small RTS game - Manage your fleet to mine those precious asteroids! Just watch out for the pirates!
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A fast RTS where you combine units!
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Make cool looking (and strong!) molecooles, defeat radioactive baddies!
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Santa has COVID-19 and Christmas is cancelled! Surprise Humans with gifts and the Spirit of Christmas as Alien Santa!
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Recent community posts

Amazing game! 

Had a fun 25-30 mins with it, can't wait for the full release! 

Még a meetupon kitaláltunk hozzá többféle "game mode"-ot. Pl. Csak úgy szabad pontot szerezni hogy feldobod a kést. Illetve el lehet kapni a zöldségeket is azokkal "zsonglőrködni". És az utolsó az volt, hogy egy brokkolit fogva felütöttük a zöldségeket és próbáltuk a levegőben tartani őket a végéig és így próbáltunk minnél több pontot elérni.

 Tök fun volt!

 A kés dobálóshoz pl tök jó lenne ha lenne több kés a földön :D 

Thank you for playing!

and for the feedback! It's a very good point

Such a fun idea, and a neat presentation (especially for a jam!) good job :) 

it looks really cool, i loved playing around with the character :D 

Looks really polished, good job! 

I managed to play it through, but it's a bit hard game :D Good job tho, it looks and sounds great :) 

Thank you for the kind words <3 

im only getting a black screen and an error in the console when trying to launch the game. but the thumbnail looks pretty cool 

cool game, i loved building my ship, and i felt powerful :D 

Thanks for the kind words. I agree, its a bit rough to finish in this version :D 

Its a really cool concept, and you made some quality levels for it too! Great job

I really like it, looks and feels amazing! It's a nice touch, that the color of the hands are different each try. You also managed to make some pretty hard levels towards the end :D It was fun seeing you expand on your main mechanic, I especially liked when you introduced more than 2 hands. Great job!

Its fun, i really liked the surprise ending with dragging the other player around :D 

Awesome game, loved the puzzles. It has great polish, good job! 

Such a cool concept, and execution on the atom idea! Great job, I really enjoyed it. 

Fun, and well polished game! Good job, i tried to get all crystals :D 

Fun concept, i can see this becoming the next getting over it / pogostuck :D love the assets you choose!

Really cool concept, and nice execution on it too! great job 

Really cool game, nice sound track, and lovely visuals! good job

I liked this game, cool concept, and good execution (especially considering its a game jam :D ) good job!

cool stuff, love the sound effects :D 

i didn't "miss" more animations, it worked really well as is

Woow, this looks really nice. Good job making such cool art in such a short time. Lovely sound design too!! <3

Thanks for playing, and the kind words <3. Yeah, movement is a big thing that could be improved, thanks for the suggestions.

This is a cool concept. It felt a bit weird having to draw out the cards myself, but i get it, that its a decision the player has to make (since it costs action points). Overall a cool game, i think its a bit harsh, would be cool if it was a bit more forgiving, so i could build out some more stuff :D but other than that its great <3

It's really fun to move around, and the game looks very nice, good job <3

"You died more than i expected" yep, for sure :D this is a really fun game. It's awesome how much polish you guys did in such a short time. All the levels felt super good. 

I really like the concept, really fits the theme. Also a cute artstyle. Good job overall! The level itself was a bit hard tho, but still fun. 

looks really good, and the puzzles are decent! great soundtrack too, good job <3

Looks really good, i also like the mechanics for each of these cute characters <3

wow, this is really cool. fun gameplay, i managed to make some crazy ships :D got to around 40k points too <3 (im not sure what is your best, but it felt pretty good :D ). p.s.: i think the controls worked great

wow, a really good concept, and a decent execution too! good job

It's a cool concept - i managed to get to 15 score! 

We also made a game about atoms joining together :) 

Wow, the art looks great, you achieved a lot with not that many assets, great job!  

It's really fun, great job :) I like the friendship of these 2 little fellas :D on on Facebook
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