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HiddenSky Estúdio

A member registered Jun 16, 2022 ·View creator page →

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A new flavor on the rolls in the OSR
um rpg de investigação e ação sobrenatural
a storytelling game of epic fantasy tales
a one page mork borg system about that famous game
Ventura RPG is a rules-lite rpg based on the OSR style and made to fit on a business card.
Micro version of the most played medieval fantasy RPG
a hack of Cthulhu Dark with Vampire the Masquerade
a vampire minimalist rpg, inspired by Vampire The Masquerade

Recent community posts

 I think I can understand the idea better now... but for example, the Hellbender Paradigm, what would be possible to do with it? Can you give some examples?

this is really good and it also gave me Vampire The Masquerade vibes... a vampire version of this would be great

I loved it. Is there any reference to magic that can be done?

Sou psicólogo e fiquei muito feliz em ver esse jogo, a escrita também é muito cuidadosa e assertiva com os termos e explicações, parabéns aos envolvidos. Além disso, é um ótimo sistema, muito bom mesmo.

Thanks for the comment, glad you enjoyed the game... :)

the new version made what was already excellent excellent... a robust system that mixes ironsworn and vampire the masquerade with perfection...

really so much better to read, thanks for the Uptade... :D

This is good, a new way to play Vampire The Masquerade... some pages a little hard to read (for me).... a light version will be welcome

the idea is that the damage suffered by players is always 1, while enemies are defeated by the number of successes represented by their threat level and thanks for seeing this error. But if you want more dynamism, you can use the formula Damage = Threat Level /2 rounded up.

its a very good idea...

Is it okay for you to do something with this?

Awesome work.... the art, the rules, the character sheet... A really good way for play medieval fantasy
Just a question: Why 2d4 instead d6 on attributes rolls? 

os pontos 2, 1 e 0 são ditos para colocar em status... mas quais status são esses?

Amazing work.... the perfect union of Ironsworn and Vampire the Masquerade... If you love World of Darkness, you need to play this :-)

Hello, i really like this.... i have two questions: 

1 - how make enemies, have some template?

2- can i make a portuguese (brazil) translation of this ?

Honestly, I'm quite satisfied with what I saw... Some adventure generator tables would be welcome, as well as more mystical classes for players, like vampire, werewolf etc... But that's just personal taste...

Just a question, the monster stats is for a party against them or its fit in 1x1?

Nice work with this... i really like the system... waiting for the updates....

its look nice, but please some english version or a simple text version for google traslator help on on Facebook
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