Ffirst of all I LOVE the format and the premise. It's perfect. I've got one question, though - i think I don't get how the combat works:
"On the next round, Swan rolls 4, 3, and 1, adding the weapon to make 5, 4, and 2. The robber is hurting, but still has two attack dice". Why does he still got two attack dice if in the first round he got two hits? As I understood it: I've got AGGRO 2, so I roll two dice and if I get hit AGGRO drops to 1, so next round I only roll 1 die? Or am I messing somethnig up?
I would't make it that hard.
Group A
The DS of this group will calculate like this:
Keep the highest DS, the lower will count as 1
Highest DS + 1 + 1
The DS of group A will be 9+1+1=11
it makes it harder to fight the group, because they get +1 for every additional member but it's still fast, because you only got one roll against all of the enemies.
In Advanced Dungeon Goons it works similar but you still got to fight against every enemy separatelly, so you they get +1 modifier to DS for every adittional group member, but you roll against every one. In our case:
Lion DS 9 + 2 = 11
Wolf DS 7 + 2 = 9
Frog DS 2 + 2 = 4
And you roll against a frog, you roll 6 and you kill it. Now you roll against a wolf that is 7 + 1 (because the frog is killed now), and so on.
group combat is strange - if there are three same type monsters with DR7 they would be one with DR10 (DR7 +3). So when I roll 9 I would get 1 harm. If they are different species when I roll 9 every one of them would get 2 harm and I just need to roll over 5 next time. So If they are the same they are much harder to kill.
I love the idea and it's well written. The only thing is that the hook is quite weak and I wouldn't know why I should go in there and if I go there, why should I go through another portal instead of going back to my ship. But still I think it would work great as a random encounter on the way of an adventure. It's really nice and fun