thank you for your feedback! and don't worry any criticism is welcome especially if it's respectful like yours, most of your feedback if not all of it stems from the fact i create the games the way i want them to (in a selfish way you could say), i write and create the dialogue and options according to whatever my brain wants to do at the moment, the result can vary in terms of how other players will experience the route, you're also not the first one to get frustrated with 004s route after playing 001, i did make Sir Knight harder on purpose, although he's supposed to be the 2nd hardest (404 < Angel < Sir Knight < The Clown), i know i probably should have done the angel first then but i really really wanted to make him lmao, i was in the 004 zone ✨
for the other feedback in terms of story i don't plan on changing anything since it'll all come together at the end (the fact that mc seems to always have some sort of connection to all of the monsters, but ill make a post about that on twitter at some point once I continue with the angel), your own proposals wouldn't fit canon 004 at all tbh (although you can headcanon whatever you want ofc), and I don't write my characters and stories according to what i believe would be most enjoyable to play through, but what i personally wanna see in the game, so future routes and games might still be frustrating in that regard especially because everyone has their own preferences, either way im always open for feedback or criticism because some feedback HAS changed how i go about things (feedback for my TWs for example hehe), and regardless of whether i change anything im always curious to hear what people feel after playing my games, good and bad
thank you ill kiss your liver <3
i don't care how "unnessecary" you find my stuff to be i always do whatever i feel like doing with my games (i know shocker), and you have no idea what a healthy coping mechanism even is lmao, it's funny how many people think they're online psychologists all of a sudden. If you did you'd know that sa victims don't have a choice but to relive and think about their trauma because the brain will always be searching for closure. And some cope with self destructive and harmful behavior while others just draw and make games that hurt nobody, it might not be nice to look at for people who don't get it and they don't have to, but most people would just stop supporting my game (which is completely valid btw) and find a better one instead of whining about fictional content that doesn't do any irl harm whatsoever (that's what i mean by normies), anyways tldr my work laptop isn't working so now i have nothing to do and am debating itchio comments hehe
thank you 💖💖💖 i obviously knew I'd lose fans and get some backlash but I've always made games for myself first and others second, im glad the negative people are still in such a minority though and most people either continue enjoying my content or just stop supporting it (which i totally understand this stuff isn't for everyone and doesn't have to be), in terms of trigger warnings i have been thinking about how I'll implement it properly since there'll be more heavy stuff in the future too, so thanks for the suggestion! I'll probably make a guide with what triggers are present in which routes on the games page but I'll see what i decide on in the end, and thank you again for your kind words it means a lot