Dude....You've really done it! This is amazing! You should be proud of yourself. This "little" demo left me wanting waaay more (the world feels huge!).
The sound design especially was awesome! The hurt sound is kinda weird but I like it. I expected a cute smurf like grunt but I got a ui sound giving me errors haha. but I like it!
Environments are awesome! A huge selling point for sure. Wouldn't wanna change a thing.
Gameplay-wise I need to mention two things: First, thewobbly leaf platfromsare fun but I struggled to use them effectively. Landing on them sometimes did not count as being on the floor and my jumps didn't reset, so trying to jump off usually meant using the second jump and failing.
Another thing is the lava area with thewhite rock platforms. The setting is awesome but I struggled with the sinking platforms a lot. I never knew when they were gonna come up or sink again. Maybe a sound cue or lava particles could help here.
----------Some sidenotes----------
The ending was creepy dude! but in a good way!
The Asset Pack I modified is this one:
I mean....that's a solution lol
But tbh my PC isn't that beefy. Playing with 16gb of RAM, R5 5600, and a 2060 super. Nothing to write home about
But it was hella fun, all the way through (especially because of the frame drops because they caused some challenges heh)
I really really tried to get to a 100 but....oh well.
Waiting for the next and then the full release to break it again!!
I really do enjoy this game. There are some balance issues, bugs, and so on but theoverall experience is fun.
I had an OP run with my castle being in the front lines lol. Unfortunately my run ended with wave 92...before it even started.
The game ran very poorly late-game. Arond round 60. Too many units, effects, and damage numbers. These things should be toggled off in later stages. I believe that these things kinda tanked my performance.
And of course a screenshot of mydefeat. I really wanted to reach 100, butlife is unfair sometimes.
Keep at it devs. This game is awesome!
After 1004 deaths we finally saved the world....It was tiring and frustrating but fun all the way. I am a big fan of the 100 of jumpads level. What a brilliant idea. Hell yea gamer! More of this please! In case some of you are struggling out there:
Try to get the cats to the spawn area. It works and they get stuck. Do it with 3 or 2 and getting across should be easy.
Seriously tho, we had lots of fun!
Thanks for making this!