Obviously a masterpiece. It took me a while to master the attacks, but once I did it becomes super satisfying to dodge them all. So far I've beaten normal and hard mode, perhaps one day I'll even conquer Monday itself... (prolly' not)
The one criticism I have is the pookie lasers. They are the hardest attack to dodge consistently IMO (yes, even more than Garfield gun), I'd suggest removing/tweaking the exploding AOEs that happen during that attack.
Again, a fabulous experience overall.
very cool concept executed beautifully, I would have loved a few extra touches to make it a bit more scary, like maybe a depth bar where you can see how close to the bottom you are and maybe a few glimpses of the creatures on the way down. of course this is a jam game so the fact that it's this high quality is insane in the first place, great job.
I am the least musical person I have ever met, literally going in a straight line in this game is a challenge for me. I managed to beat (SeE WhAt I DiD ThErE) the first level, and that is all I am going to force myself to do.
It is a very good game though, the concept is very cool and well executed. I have also watched a playthrough of it, so I can confirm that this game contains many bangers.