as i and the great people of the discord have pointed out balanse is not a real word therefore they do indeed not know what that means have a good day
massachusetts is an scp that im very sure is run by the scpf how the hell did the school get to be there and not be under the local state/scpf
yea have been for months now
seeing the real scp 8008 being made now shows that this could be canon
a cup of scp-006 would be nice im trying to look younger here
you had me in the first half ngl
most likely on a Wednesday or the day after
i say its only 2nd to five nights at fuckbois cc
well if my math is right it will be out on the 21th of this month or the 20th
i have to say that this is rng cause you cant tell when the monster may show up and it can be right next to you in a new room
for ghost you turn off the light
that will not work if its not the first minigame
i mean both the player and the npc picking the same thing say both pick paper or rock
i have to ask why you only get 3 lives when the girls get 6
and i have not tied once so no ties in this game?
Dine on my oven-baked avian behind Freddy F***boy