I've also been listening to the podcast and was curious to play the game. I expected it to be in a cruder state, but I was surprised to see it is already a pretty solid game. Congratulations! It took me 3 tries to finish and I think the difficulty is pretty fair.
It is a new take on the classicMissile Command, with beautiful graphics, cool music and sound effects.
Main features:
A beautifull city to protect with night and day cycle and a color changing background.
2 types of enemy projectiles that falls from the sky with distinct behaviour, damage and progressive difficulty.
3 types of alien spaceships that can be destroyed for points and other benefits, each with it's own characteristics such as speed, movement pattern and hitpoints.
Dramatic sci-fi music and retro sound effects that will transport you back to the eighties!
Multiple profiles suport. You can have a profile for each player in your house and easily compare statistics from the high scores screen.