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A member registered Aug 14, 2021 ·View creator page →

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enjoyed it a lot, made me feel like a smart guy for not using any hints

while i totally understand the decision to recast, i gotta give major props to glass shards. it's fucking hard to alter how others gender your voice, so i recognize the effort she put in.

i get people's hang-ups about her voice as this role, as she's (probably) not gone through male puberty, and for a male character that tends to raise flags for a lot of people. i'd initially been surprised at the way bo's voice sounded as well, but i'd kinda assumed that he was intended to be trans/voiced by a trans va, since he obviously wasn't intended to be a child. 

(it was a little weird to go to her twt and see "she/her" in her bio, since if that really was the intention, y'all could've just cast a trans va, but ultimately i thought she'd done quite well and wasn't all that mad at it)

can't wait to see where glass shards crops up next, and i'm excited to hear bo's new voice!

he's fine, guys, jeebers is fine

he's just sleeping i swear

the last few questions were sorta hard to answer, because like, yeah, i am going to have trouble sleeping tonight... because i'm a chronic insomniac, not for any paranoia-related reason.

fun lil' twine, though!! i'm a sucker for the "survey horror" genre that has cultivated, because it always goes by pretty quick, and it's interesting to see different people's interpretations of the concept.

a little hint- your cursor's hitbox is very small (at least it is for me), the tip is the only bit that'll register wall collision. i have notoriously... "consistent" hand tremors, so there was a bit of added difficulty there, but it was an enjoyable experience overall! i know it gets a lot of flak for being rage-inducing, but i'm not of the opinion that a game being difficult devalues it in any way.

i will say the vr goggle skelly was a bit silly, but i've long since separated from the belief that horror must be scary. it's subjective, and i'm desensitized, but it still has strong horror themes throughout. 

three cheers for dreader!

by the way, if you're a perfectionist (like me) the web version might run out of mem, so you might be better off downloading (or take it as an extra challenge to just draw without altering anything)! it's a nice drawing exercise if that's a struggle of yours, because the outcome is out of your control in the end. might boot up the executable file later and dink around on that since web crashed, this is a really cool project and i would love to be a part of it! 

my one critique is that there was no rat revenge end

well done, fellow aquanauts! this game is extremely comforting in every regard, from the sound design, to the gameplay, to the visuals. also, "bum, bum, bum" to you too! :)

the cacophony of endless claps after you win really sells it

jesus, brett, if you're not gonna respect me, the least you could do is respect beach-a-palooza

aw, thanks guys, and here i thought you forgot

very cute lil' game (besides the strangers, they were kinda spooky-dookie), the ending warmed my heart

i needed this today, thank you <3

i had a lot of fun playing this! seth is such a loveable fella (kudos to the character design work and va!), i understand why karen would get swept up by such a charismatic "jesus-loving" frog-guy. without spoiling anything, i really enjoyed the contrast to him kermit-esque body and zealot-like personality.

"this little light of mine" came to mind during the light-switch task, and thanks to my tendency to sing through the spooky, the 4 walls of my room were not-so-gently serenaded by my butchering of gospel

anyway, thank you so much for posting this, it was an amazing experience!!

finally a hack-a-shaq simulator, well done. i'm a simple guy, i see o'neal and i click.

kinda rounded up and said i finished it when i got to the blue err screen (lmk if there's a true ending, my brain's still recuperating from robot turtle... stuff), but i enjoyed it a ton! i'm a sucker for games that force you to puzzle through old(er) computer interfaces. the challenges were difficult, but not exasperatingly so. there was some turtle frustration, but the game wasn't total frustration. (wink, wink)

it functioned surprisingly well both in-browser and on my 6-year-old toshiba laptop at that. big ups to everyone on the development team, i had a great time!

can't convince me to turn on light-mode B)

praise for this game!! extremely adorable monsters/characters and a well thought-out backstory (and normal story... frontstory?). really enjoyed the soundtrack as well, especially "final moment," which sparked confused feelings of nostalgia within me. nostalgia for what? beats me, but it's comforting anyhow. i think the ms-paint style and coloration added to that feeling as well. 

it was over-all a wonderful experience, all the assets felt as though they belonged to this world, i felt very immersed into this cutesy/dark world. many kudos!!!!! on on Facebook
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