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A member registered Feb 20, 2017 ·View creator page →

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A turn-based entry to Magical Girl Game Jam 10
A game for LoveJam 2022.
Not everything is as it seems
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A reverse stealth game where you always want to be within the line of sight of your target
Keep an eye on your companion while contacting people in the streets!

Recent community posts

I liked this a lot! The low-poly artwork is fun, and the character controls quite nicely. I would love to see this implemented into a full game, with fully fleshed-out environments and mechanics.

Same - can't get past the intro. If that gets fixed I'd love to come back to this!

I'm impressed with how smooth the game felt, especially for a jam entry. It's a good, solid entry. Outside of Smash Bros., I'm not a fighting game person, so I think the difficulty was right perfect for someone like me.

Programmer here - thank you for playing! I finally got a chance to look at the bug with the four abilities tonight, and it literally took me three minutes to fix... I'll upload a fixed build tomorrow, and keeping with the jam rules, I'll keep the original version of the build available for download.

One of the things I wish I'd had time to implement was better information on ability targeting rules. Something to prioritize for the Continue-It jam! The grid will also make it into the next iteration after the jam ratings are finished.

It was indeed a ton of work, but I'm really pleased with what I was able to accomplish.

I'm glad you liked it! I am still developing it, and more cast members are planned.

Thanks for playing it!

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I really like the idea of keeping health between levels - that's something I'm looking into. It'll be a while before I get to that, but I agree that would help amp up the challenge. More characters, enemy types, and bosses are planned too!

Fire Emblem Heroes is a huge inspiration for this game, but without the powercreep and the gacha elements, so I'm happy to hear you mention Fire Emblem.

Thanks for the feedback!

I like the sound design and the game's art style. The character design is fun too. I did die though, but I wasn't entirely sure why. I think something to help the player prepare for the next war event - as well as knowing when that is - would be a helpful addition.

This is probably also way out of scope for what you may have planned for the game, but I think some kind of minigame or something similar to let the player play as Anya instead of observing her actions would be a welcome addition. But then again, for what it's worth, I've not played many visual novels.

Overall, a very interesting entry!

The artwork and presentation of the story were excellent, and the game was nice and fun as well! The plot was the most intriguing element for me. The game felt nicely polished.

I found myself wanting to use the dialogue and action keys as the same key, and others have already talked a lot about the combat.

Excellent job all around!

This is a really solid entry!

The artwork is absolutely fantastic. I love the aesthetic and the designs, especially Hali's. The music is also very nice, especially the title screen's.

I did find the hitboxes confusing - several times, I could see Hali's head go into a space which I was sure should have blocked her movement.

Overall, excellent entry, and I'd love to see this developed further. Good work!

The visuals of the game are beautiful. However, I also found the controls difficult to  work with and found the game very easy if I spent time charging up all the way to max before getting the enemy to spawn.  The music also didn't loop for me, and each time I used the "Dawn of Demise" attack, the character would say the voice line twice.

I would love to see this game polished and to see where this project ends up!

The drawn cutscene segments were gorgeous! The character designs were also very good. (A black hole for a head? I love it!)

I would like a bit more variance with the minor enemies and their firing patterns, just to shake things up a bit. The big bad's health pool is big enough that I think implementing some more phases for him would be a welcome addition.

Congrats on a job well done!

I enjoyed this one! I greatly appreciate the large health pool, especially since I'm normally awful at these types of games. I also appreciate the damaged artwork that Kasumi takes - that'ssomevery nice polish.

Matte's suggestions are spot on (though the 1920x1080 issue wasn't that much of an issue for me, fortunately). The only other thing I'd add is that I'd like some kind of incentive or reward for defeating enemies beyond score. Since they only fire straight ahead, I'm not motivated to run the risk of losing HP to take them down.

Overall, I think this is a really solid entry to the jam! Excellent work!

I like the artwork and the premise a lot! I was a bit confused by what appeared to be the debug menu (Choice, Level Up, etc.), as well as what actually happened when I defeated all the enemies. I'd like to see more of this, especially if the gameplay were expanded to give the orbs of remembrance some gameplay function.

Excellent work on this one! I found some polish issues - mostly with regards to cutscenes (voices continuing even after the dialogue, needing to wait a bit for enemies to spawn in afterwards), but the challenges were fun to overcome, the voice acting incredible, and the art was fantastic. Incredibly well done!

This entry is incredible! The art and music are fantastic, though my lack of rhythm prevented me from getting very far. Props to everyone who worked on this!

I also found the game a little difficult, but I still liked the abilities the player had access to. I noticed some polish issues with text boxes - a lot of words would break unnaturally - but overall, I think this is a good result. I was particularly impressed with the wall jumping! Good work!

I enjoyed the aesthetics here a lot! I also found the first level really hard (couldn't really get past it; bullet hells are my weakness though). Still an enjoyable experience though!

Normally I'm not a rhythm game guy (I stopped playing in my high school orchestra for a reason lol), but I enjoyed this one! The aesthetics and designs of the characters are top-notch. It did take me a while to figure out that I needed to let go of the sustain notes a bit earlier than I expected to, but that might just be due to my inexperience with rhythm games.

Excellent job!

The artwork is fantastic! I like the designs of both characters. It took me a while to learn that the game was indeed more of a "get a high score" type than a bullet hell, but that's alright with me - it meant I could actually finish the game without using a dozen continues lol

I'm glad you all enjoyed it, and thanks for all the feedback! I've already begun looking into the controls and how to improve those. Thanks for playing it!

I loved the pixel art and the gameplay! I thought the hit stun from getting hit was a bit long, but at the same time, I found the challenge to be about right for me. Overall, excellent work!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Pixel art is definitely a weak spot for me lol, but I'm glad you enjoyed the drawings still.

I appreciate the other feedback as well - I'll look into making the controls more user-friendly and getting window scaling working down the line.

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed both the art and the game :D

I really enjoyed this one! I specifically like the powers available to the player. I haven't played many of these kinds of games, so I found the difficulty curve quite manageable. I did experience some bugs with the font rendering  (the characters tended to be cut off a bit early) and the charging noise played repeatedly after dying while charging. But it's clear that a lot of work went into this game, and I think it turned out well.

I've had these problems too. I've tried this across multiple browsers (Edge, Firefox, and Chrome).

I'm so bad at these kinds of games lol but I still had a lot of fun.  I liked the art direction especially, and the sound design was also really well-executed!

I really like the scenario that's been set up. The full voice acting is incredible, and the visuals are very nice!

The backgrounds were a lot of fun, as were the track designs! The music was also really fun. I think it'd be interesting to see some more elements of the magical girl genre in the race itself - perhaps a rival, some enemies, and/or abilities. Overall, solid work!

It was a blast!

Here's some bugs I found:

  • If you're playing with the gamepad and accidentally bump your mouse, the camera zooms out and all you can see is darkness when you move with the left stick. Moving the right stick appears to solve the issue.
  • If you're walking in the same direction that your aiming when you fire off the second tutorial weapon, nothing comes out, even after charging.
  • When fighting the "giant frisbee" (as Rei called it), I noticed that I could face away but my bullets would still track toward it. That's fine with me (mitigates my skill issues lol), but I figured I'd mention it anyway.

And some feedback:

  • I felt like rolling was a bit sensitive for my liking.
  • I think the second weapon in the tutorial should fire off a really small weak beam or give some indicator that it needs to be charged for the full effect.
  • An indicator pointing to where enemies are would be useful if they're off-camera, especially in the bigger maps.

And of course, what I liked:

  • I liked the small amounts of homing the bullets have. (Either they have a bit of homing or I'm better at this kind of game than I thought!)
  • I only have complements for Rei's design. Green hair all the way! I also like the little details with her portrait - how she winces when she gets hurt and blinks every so often.

Really good stuff so far! I look forward to following the game's development :D

I think I've fixed the .love version. If it still doesn't work, let me know. on on Facebook
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