Sorry for the late reply. I tag the file "Toe II Toe" file as executable and try starting it with double click, but nothing happens. So, there's no screenshot. But the bug is different than last time I tried. It used to open a window that stayed black and closed again quickly.
Btw, when I unzip the file, the contents are not in their own directory. I think it would be more practical if the files would unzip in their own directory, so I don't have to create a new directory before unzipping.
Thanks for your continuous efforts. Great game!
It's amazing! The art, the pacing, the story, it's a great game!
Had two crashes, though. One was fixable, the other wasn't (as of yet). The first was when I went into the basement of Suzanne's farm. I didn't write down what went wrong exactly. But when I tried again, it worked fine.
The other one was when I go out with the fisher man for a day trip. At some point the game crashes, saying it can't find 'cove.jpg'. I can't go further than that.
Then there is a few problems here and there. For one, when you set the meeting with Kissa and the chief, you tell Kissa the meeting is in the Hideout, even though it's not. It's fine, as she still goes to the "real" meeting point.
Something I wasn't sure of is the ladder in the chief's house. At the beginning of the game, I had a dialogue option to steal it. But later on, all I can do with the ladder is go up into Hera's room. I am wondering if the ladder is what I need to go down into the cave, but now I don't get the option to "borrow" the ladder. ;-)
Also, there are spelling mistakes, but nothing outrageous. A splash screen with the game's name would be nice too. I had to come back to this page on to know what the acronym stands for.
All in all, it is one of the best lewd games I have come across. I hope there's gonna be more work done on it. I am even considering backing on patreon, even though I don'tdo that atm, because I am broke as can be. This project is simply worth it.!
(I am using the Linux version.)