I just checked the PDF to make sure, and you didn't misunderstand: the rules as presented don't account for the possibility of finding a locked door with no keys available. I'll elaborate on my above recommendation for a quick fix:
You can think of it like the Grey parting before you, or maybe you find a key along the way that's shaped differently from the others. Either way, if a locked door makes it so your game can't continue, you have my permission to open it anyway.
Someone mentioned that the game can get monotonous after a bit if you draw a lot of numbered cards in a row, and that's extremely true. I don't have the bandwidth to add this to the rules in any formal way, but my recommendation would be this:
Before shuffling at the start of the game, remove from the deck all of the numbered cards from 6 to 10.
That reduces the size of the deck significantly (by about 20 cards), and also increases the proportion of faced cards compared to numbered cards.
If you don't want the numbered cards at all you can remove all of them. I hope that helps!
One of the reasons I didn't make this change in the revised rules is that it adds time to setup, and I wanted to make the game as low-impact to start as possible.
Another option is, once you get the Relic for a region, instead of rolling an extra die, you don't have to roll at all, with the following prompt:
- The relic you found helps you overcome the obstacles with ease. How do you use it?
Special thank-you to the person who left that review! It was very helpful feedback.
Added this update to the top:
Update: I ended up publishing my game using the HTML5 player anyway, and it kills me that I can't charge money for it:https://mnemonicrpg.itch.io/mnemonic-beyond-the-rift
A few people have donated, which is great, but if the goal is to normalize being paid for our work, we need the option to set a price for our work regardless of whether it's a browser game, a PDF, or a downloadable app.
Have you explored the world beyond the rift? Did your map turn out differently than you expected? If you like what you created through the course of play, feel free to share it here!
If you share something from a particular area, some things you might want to include (but by no means is it necessary):
To those who are lost beyond the rift, these words are for you.
This is a game about failing, again and again, until you succeed.
This is a game about breaking the loop of difficult memories to find resolution in yourself and the world.
This is a game about an echo.
Designed for 1-3 players, Beyond the Rift is a metroidvania-like game where the difficult platforming and boss battles happen in the story, not on the table. Weave the tale of how you finally made your way through a gauntlet of spike pits and giant insects. Imagine the scene of your final confrontation with the Entity.
You’ll need four six-sided dice, a deck of cards, and a journal. If you’re playing with friends, each of you will only need one of those things. Perfect for remote play over Discord, Skype, FaceTime, or your chat program of choice.
Available to read in your browser directly from the store page. Pay what you can; suggested price is $20, but the embed is accessible without payment.
I would like to be able to create an HTML5 version of my TTRPGs, that people can access directly in their web browser. This is possible already, but it doesn't allow me to set a price for the embedded content.
I would like to be able to set a price for my embedded content; I've got the content all set up as a zip file that the embedded player can run or launch fullscreen, but I can't publish it in its current format because I'm not prepared to make it free by default.
(There are a number of TTRPG designers here who would similarly be interested in this idea. We want more ways to present our games, but the current presentation isn't sustainable for us.)
Update: I ended up publishing my game using the HTML5 player anyway, and it kills me that I can't charge money for it:https://mnemonicrpg.itch.io/mnemonic-beyond-the-rift
A few people have donated, which is great, but if the goal is to normalize being paid for our work, we need the option to set a price for our work regardless of whether it's a browser game, a PDF, or a downloadable app.
On the front-end, it's easy for me to imagine how this would work: If the user hasn't paid the minimum price for the game, and the creator has set the "Require payment before showing the embedded player", then the embedded player just doesn't appear, and the "Buy" button appears at the top of the page instead. Once the user makes a payment for the minimum price or higher, enable the player. (Maybe there's a way to enable a "demo" version that doesn't require payment and then override it with the paid version? idk)
Someone on Discord pointed out that itch doesn't require an account in order to make purchases, which could present a problem for a game that is only available in the browser. I have a couple ideas spinning off of that:
I don't know what the best solution to that problem is. All I know is that the way it currently is set up, I can't do what I need to in order to make my game sustainable for me as a creator.
Mnemonic: Cracks in the Mirror is an intimate, fantasy game about uncovering lost family memories through the exploration of places of personal significance. Each member of your group will tell their own story through a series of leading questions and prompts, and the story will culminate in a shared memory for the entire group. Safety mechanisms are included throughout to offer release from more perilous situations.
Intended for 1 to 4 players, no GM required.
Expected playtime: 2-4 hours.
The world is filled with buried memories, ruined places from before the end of the age of war. It has taken centuries to rebuild, and some things remain buried beneath the rubble of the places most ruined by time and catastrophe. Trinkets, stories, memories. Pieces of the past that once belonged to your family, that were stolen, or broken, or forgotten.
Now, you have been sent to recover these things. For yourself, for your family.
Mnemonic: Cracks in the Mirror is a GMless game for up to four players. In it, you will work together and on your own to develop characters and a group, and then venture into the world to uncover your family's lost history.
The game supports ongoing stories across multiple sessions through the repetition of rituals. You can create a new group of characters each time you play, or keep the same characters from session to session.
This game offers a 40% opt-in discount for people from marginalized or disenfranchised communities, and also offers free Community Copies based on the number of sales.
I just publishedThe Unfolk, a two-person game about telling your kids the hard truth and helping them flee persecution. This is also my very first published TTRPG, made and submitted for theBig Bad Game Jam 2019.
It's free for the first week (normal price $1 minimum, $5 suggested)
I'm noticing something happening in this section that reminds me of a similar event that happened when I was managing the Beamdog forums: the number of stickied threads makes it harder to see individual discussions. I don't have a concrete suggestion for how to remedy that (except maybe to create a "Reference" category/subcategory? idk), but right now there are only three or four discussion threads in this section that aren't stickied, and on my machine I have to scroll down to see them.
(At Beamdog, we unstickied threads once they were no longer needed. But this forum is so new that I don't think that's appropriate here.)
In general, "ceding the floor" is good practice in open forums like this one, even if you don't know if you're interacting with marginalized groups (and even if you're a member of a marginalized group yourself).
That's something everyone occasionally screws up, especially in an online forum where everyone can be typing at once, but it's also something that, if you can force yourself to slow down and listen, to let the silence linger between the last person's response and your own, to pause your contribution to let other voices be heard and then acknowledge them, the value of the discussion overall will improve.
It's one of those lessons that everyone, not just white cis men, can benefit from--but often it's a lesson that most needs to be learned by people who don't fully recognize the space they occupy, which is a mistake that is most frequently made by white, cisgender, heterosexual men.
The first thing I got rid of was the dice, but that was because I knew I wanted cards before I knew I wanted it to be FitD. I spent a long time figuring out how to "map" the success tiers onto a poker deck, but the artifact of a deck of cards was something I was committed to. It's becoming more central to the overall design as I move through the process, but every so often I think wouldn't it be easier if I just stuck with dice?
Editing to add another item I got rid of, pretty early on: Death by Trauma. I'm working with a slightly different system of harm, and I wasn't comfortable with the idea that psychological or social trauma would be something that a charactercouldn't overcome. It means also figuring out a better way to handle trauma, but I'm pleased with the concept of characters learning to cope with their traumas, rather than letting themselves be overwhelmed to the point of involuntary retirement.
Something I pointed out on Twitter and elsewhere in the last few days: A lot of creators don't have much or any experience with setting prices for a product, and would greatly benefit from some guidance there when putting their product up for sale. When you see that empty price box and you have to decide what you're going to charge for your game that you worked hard on, it can cause a lot of anxiety for people who maybe have never had to think about their game as being more than a labor of love, and that's hard to put a price on--but there are prices that customers are expecting to see for certain products, and creators should have the benefit of that insight.
Something to the tune of a Recommended Price selector with a few choices, as well as the option to set your own different price, might be helpful. Here's the break-down that I presented on Twitter and elsewhere:
Give the creators the option to set their own price (like they do now), but start with those four options as a way to give them a consistent starting point. (If a creator wants to set an alternative Minimum Price that is below their selected Recommended Price, continue to let them do that as well. Creators seem to have a better intuition about setting their minimum prices.)