I honestly love this game, but the protag's job is hard to piece together without getting a TON of the scenes. I like replay value, but it's not for everyone/
Regarding how I figured out the nature of the protag's job: If the bad boy boyfriend works as an assassin, he can eventually end up working at the protag's workplace, in a pretty high-up position. And one of the bad endings involve the boyfriend getting killed (if you max out the prince boyfriend's intelligence) while the protag has to listen to it happen from their room. Various other things, like the fact that they can spy on p much anyone at anytime, or the way they kind of avoid talking about their job.
But the flirt seems to have the least interaction with the protag's job, but idk, I might not have seen all of the scenes for that route
I've found two of the hidden achievements I was missing, and I'm about to move onto the last one I needed. In the Flirt boyfriend route, you need to max out the Sexiness stat. For the prince, you need to max out the intelligence stat. Following the same trend, the Bad Boy boyfriend's equivalent achievement most likely requires you to max out the attitude stat.
These are all bad endings, which is super interesting. I think playing on Easy mode prevents the scenes that maxing out the specific stats trigger, so you'll need to play on Normal or Hard.
Edit: For the bad boy's hidden achievement, you actually need to max out the Anger stat.
Second Edit: By achievements, I mean the ones in the Steam version. I forgot to mention that.
I'm super hyped for the next update, and decided to replay the game with each boyfriend once. I had forgotten about the MC's hatred for their parents, and was curious if the different possible personalities of the MC are going to have different opinions on their parents or if their opinion of them is always going to be relatively negative. Either way makes sense in a narrative way, but I get that the latter is the more likely (since having crappy parents is a plot point).
Soon as the update is out, I'll definitely be re-replaying this game.
I played this a while back, and now I've bought the director's cut. I was initially enamored with the storytelling, unaware that the concept was about depression. Now that I know, I love it even more. The ending I originally thought was the best end turns out to have been the end where the protag accepts their death. Hell as a metaphor is always powerful in my opinion, especially when it's not all fire and brimstone. I like the lore and I like the explanations for some of the plot in the director's cut.
I'm glad this directors cut exists. I hope you're in a more positive place than you once were.
So far, the prologue feels very rushed. Its trying to fit several months into around 5 to 10 minutes of gameplay. I had trouble focusing because of that. The writing is good so far though, aside from a few typos, but they were mostly punctuation issues.
I'm excited for the full release. I love how excitable Shōtarō is, omg.
Question: Are the chapters going to be updated little by little or will they be released all at once when they're ready?
This was cute. I like the use of a pseudo-Mabe Village from Link's Awakening to represent the dream in a literal sense. I think it feels very slightly rushed, but that's kind of the point, isn't it? I like the ending (pre-pong); ignoring the negative feedback was a really sweet little way to wrap it up. The use of familiarity among difference made me nostalgic, but not just for Link's Awakening. I feel like it represented the journey that leads someone to who they become. Even if I'm reading too far into it, I don't care. It's a nice little game.