Thank you!
The jungle was supposed to be covered in leaves as it gimmick.
I agree the enemies shoot a little too fast. I needed to playtest more.
I think I screwed up the key bonus points. They should have been lower. The idea was that the treasure behind locked areas would give much more points than the keys.
I was making this game for adventure jam but I wasn't liking how it was turning out so I just finished it up real quick and posted it with out fine tuning the details.
I remember I didn't want to start the timer till the first bounce but I probbly should have just vertically laid out the first gems so it wouldn't be random before the timer started. There could also be some tech in jump canceling to bounce faster at the expense of combos, but I think combos are the way to go for max points.
Yeah, I ran into that to. It does feel a bit unsatisfying to just barely miss the 1 tile block at the end. I wanted the player to have some wiggle room to get used to the game on the first playthrough, so I opted for the extra block. You can press down to cancel mid bounce and fall faster so you can reduce the blocks at a faster rate, but most players won't know this. The final 1 tile block actually just re positions itself each bounce so the player will always have a platform at the end until the time runs out. I'm going to update this, so it starts 1 block smaller.