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A member registered Jun 05, 2019

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Just out of curiosity, did they every reach the optional female main character donation goal?

So far loving the game despite the slide show lag I experienced when entering the dream sequence. probably because the information icon bugged out. The Quad bike is great but seems to run low quite quickly and it's can make moving through the trees annoying. A well tread path could solve the issue of having to drive through the trees. Other than that I'm loving this.

I think I accidentally found the cheat menu and have no idea how to get rid of it.

The game's not bad but I could tell it has a long way to go. If I might make a few suggestion, firstly, the dodge mechanic. Unless the game can't function without it, your better off without it. That or make it easier to used by double tapping the direction you want to move.

I hope the current market view is only a stand in. It's not bad but, how do I say this carefully. You might want to make tabs ore something that doesn't put the spells, weapons and stats all in the same window.

Last but more of a personal preference. Could you have a playable female character to choose from. Allows more opportunity for lesbian scenes for those who really enjoy them.

Your character damage levels seen in the experimental look great by the way. The relation progressed too quickly but I understand it's all for the demo.

Hi how are you? I was wondering if this project was abandoned?

So is the download above the full game without the extra art and audio? I'm really looking forward to the game.

I'm Looking forward to the full game. I'm excited for what story you came up with and wonder if you're going to have an enemy ace though out the campaign. I see heavy inspiration from Ace Combat while making it your own game. All in all I'm sure to get it and look forward to flying either the F-14 or F-15.

Thank for the reply. I'm really looking forward to Caesar's route.

Hate to be a pain but. Any news on the current status of things?

I kinda feel stupid for having to ask. But every time I try to go on a date with Kate, Violet already has plans with me so I can't go on a date with Kate. Is there a romance map available?

PS: I know it's unlikely, but can you romance Violet and Kate like in one of the dream segments.

Not really, I prefer to download rather than web game. You could have a web game and a downloadable version.

I've definitely been wait for a game like this. Are you using smile game builder? Also perhaps get some inspiration from others. I find when ever I make a story I tend to struggle to make characters. Considering your game is a harem game you'll be making a lot of characters.

I don't mean to be a bother. However is it possible to get a possible update date? Or even directions to a sight that'll show your progress? I'm really enjoying the visual novel and I'm left on a cliff hanger. on on Facebook
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