Hey everyone Waki & the lost spirits is finally released you can download or try the demo on your browser and you can get the full game on the game page.
I hope you have fun with it!
Waki & the Lost Spirits is a 2D action platformer with some tastes of a metroidvania game.
In this game you will explore the forest, fight enemies, solve puzzles, complete challenges, beat some bosses in order to save the lost spirits of the forest.
Use Mana to cast spells or to heal when needed, fight bosses and gain abilities so you can be able to succeed in this journey.
Gain abilities such as the Double Jump that will help you get around the forest as well a Dash that you can use to avoid damage and pass through some rough areas of the forest.
Fight your enemies with the Spirit Slashes (melee attacks) or use some mana to cast some Poiwerfull Spells or to Heal.
Venture yourself as Waki in this small yet cool adventure...
I hope you have a good time playing it!
Hi everyone so I´ve been away for a while from the developing of my game Waki and the Lost Spirits due to work and things in my personal life but I´m very happy to announce that meanwhile I was able to get back to my developments and I put together a new Demo available for free for everyone to try it out!
I made the game more simple and straight to the point that in my opinion it gives it more dinamic and became more fun to play.
If you take your time to play it I thank you and Ihope you have a good playing and trying this game it has been a project made with a lot of effort and dificulties but also with a lot of love so I hopee you enjoy it!
Link for the game:
You can download it or try it out on the browser
Hieveryone I´m very happy to announce that the new and probably the final demo of waki and the lost spirits is now available !
You can try it online on your browser or you can download it both for Pc and Mac.
Major updates were made from last version and I´d like to invite you all to try it out and hopefully have a great time trying it out feel free to ask anything or leave feedback
If you want to know more about the updates I made I go in a little more detail in here
Hi everyone I hope you´re doing great I´m very happy to announce that the full Demo for my game Waki and the Lost Spirits is available.
You can check and try it out in my page hope you like it and have some fun playing it.
Link - https://gamesbyspinola.itch.io/waki-and-the-lost-spirits
Waki and the Lost Spirits is a 2D action platformer with some tastes of a metroidvania game.
In this game you play as Waki a cute being born from the will of the spirits of the forest.
Waki will be guided by the spirits so he can revive them and clean this ancient forest from an old curse.
Waki will explore the forest and its caves and in order to do so he will have to fight enemies, solve puzzles, complete platforming challenges, use Mana to cast spells or to heal when needed, fight bosses and gain abilities so you can be able to succeed in this journey.
Hi everyone so I uploaded a new version of this demo here´s the changes:
- Smother animations on Opening Cutscene
- Improved Map (the selected area was a really light blue color so I darken it so we can understand better where we are)
-End Game level you can try the double jump and Spirit Blast abilities
Check it out https://gamesbyspinola.itch.io/waki-and-the-lost-spirits
Hi everyone here is my latest upcoming game I´ve been working really hard in this and here is a small demo (tutorial) and a end game level for you to try my latest developments on the game.
I will make some DevLogs on how thing went and how they will go from here.
Waki and the Lost Spirits is a 2D action platformer with some tastes of a metroidvania.
In this game you play as Waki a cute being born from the will of the spirits of the forest.
Waki will be guided by the spirits so he can revive them and clean this ancient forest from an old curse.
Waki will explore the forest and its caves and in order to do so he will have to fight enemies, solve puzzles, complete platforming challenges, fight bosses and gain abilities so you can be able to succeed in this journey.
I hope you like it and feel free to leave some constructive feedback.
Cheers and thank you!