Nothin' too huge, I went with a 32mb one which only just fit this rom. I had a few 8mb ones handy (which seem way more common) but they weren't even close so had to order a larger one. Cost a bit more than the others I had but was worth it to get it all up and running finally haha.
Videos over ten or twenty minutes with decent quality would get pretty big but shorter videos and roms would be all good on smaller carts.
A few hours of experimentation and bugger ups over a few days haha. Followed a mix of stuff betweenthis guide andthis guide. Was a lot easier to get running than I thought too. And ended up bein' pretty fun. Sent James a copy of it on a cart recently too, there's an exclusive vid of him lookin' at it on hisFloatplane that went up last night that made me smile haha.
Despite bein' a video that's around ten minutes or so, to get this one lookin' and soundin' nice enough for me to be happy with ended up with the beefy GBA rom so if ya wanna flash it to a (non Everydrive sorta) cart you'd need to go for a larger one.
Had been meaning to purchase the bundle myself once it went up and noticed today that there was less than five euro's to hit the goal. So got it just then. Congrats to everyone who's contributed and set this up for hitting the goal amount, this is awesome haha.
(Disculpe la posible mala traducción de Google)
Tenía intención de comprar el paquete una vez subiera y hoy me he dado cuenta que estaba a menos de cinco euros de alcanzar la meta. Entonces lo entendí en ese momento. Felicitaciones a todos los que contribuyeron y configuraron esto para alcanzar la cantidad objetivo, esto es increíble jaja.
Is the current four-days still a placeholder 'til you hear back from Itch or have they still been silent and it'll need to be pushed forward again?
(Usando el traductor de Google del inglés al español, ojalá funcione jaja.)
Hola, ¿Los cuatro días actuales siguen siendo un marcador de posición hasta que tenga noticias de Itch o todavía han estado en silencio y será necesario seguir adelante nuevamente?
Ahhh didn't think to change my screen resolution, I like big chunky icons and such so had set lower. Just played through the game though aaand that was fun. Once I worked out I could jump on stuff as it falls I felt like Quicksilver in one the slow-mo Xmen scenes or Legolas in The Hobbit haha. Good stuff.
Have had a few friends mention how nice the design is on the games box also, which stuck out to me the moment I opened the mailing box haha. Good stuff.
Went to look for a review to send one of 'em too who was intrigued by the game aaaand saw the Nintendolife review, 'grats for that too. Rad seein' an indie GB game on there.
Aaand just gave the demo a shot, think I got most things done besides one chest I couldn't get to due to an enemy bugging out and a big section at the top which probably has to do with that chest haha. Will load it back up sometime and give that another shot though for completionist sake. And to play it again since I enjoyed meself, love the fluidity of movement and combat along with the sprite and background style. Lookin' nooooice.
Recorded a vid that's uploading onto Youtube which shooould be done shortly too so hopefully a few more eyes end up on the Kickstarter page.