thank you very much for the feedback!!
We know that right clicking for placing buildings isn't very intuitive, we just couldn't assign it to left click as it created some issues with the game lol. But we'll fix it in the next update for sure!
And yeah as far as I know the player shouldn't keep miners when selling those buildings, so thanks for pointing that out.
I'm really glad you enjoyed it, and thanks again for leaving such a great feedback. Stay tuned for the updates, there's a lot coming!!
damn that was deep
Feels like I've found a hidden gem honestly. I absolutely love when people put so much effort into their story, and I can see some personal aspect that's put into it. Relatable stuff actually, really enjoyed it.
The gameplay is great, nicely balanced with the story so that there's enough of both. Basically keeps you entertained and allows you to enjoy the story at the same time. The mechanics are interesting too, got some nice puzzles there.
The art is pretty neat, kinda reminds me of this minimalistic flash animation style. And the music is soooo good, really enjoyed the atmosphere it creates.
Can't wait to see how the story continues, hope you'll successfully finish it!!
omg that's like INSANE quality. The art style is amazing, love the limited color palette and the pixel-art-kinda shading, really gives off some eerie, mystical vibes. The gameplay is great too, very addictive, played it for a while actually (trying to beat suzanne xD). Though sometimes the DM gets hit with DeMentia and explains same stuff over again lol. But overall, feels like an actual polished game, great job!!
I love it, there's so many cool features! I really like the overall style of this game, and the gameplay is so cool - I mean, fighting, crafting, sneaking - there's so much cool stuff! Wish there were sneak attacks tho, would be cool to sneak up on an enemy from behind. The combat could be a bit more challenging too I think. Some background music would be cool as well. But yeah overall great job, amazing quality!!
btw the enemy initiating a fight animation kinda reminds me of ace attorney xD
Cool game, really liked the environment; the background has some nice animations there! Love the steampunk-shadowy kinda style this game has.
The gameplay is pretty dynamic, dodging hordes of enemies and then killin them with a single blow felt pretty good.
Very nice quality overall, I hope you'll continue working on it!
I love it!! The art and music are really cool, love the color palette. The story is quite interesting and definitely has some potential. Really gives off some Danganronpa vibes, especially the inspect button animation lol (as a fan of danganronpa, I find it very neat). Looking forward to future updates!