Hey everyone, welcome to the community forum for the Bham Halloween Game Jam. Please take a moment to post a bit about yourself. What is your experience level? Are you looking for a team? Introduce yourselves and have the best time we can during this jam!
I'll go first - I'm Fredric, one of the admins for this jam. I have been participating in game jams for several years and have submitted many games to itch.io. You can check out my latest game Goblins in the Walls (https://fredric.itch.io/goblins-in-the-walls ). I am going to be busy with coordinating the in person event, but I'm here to helpanyonewith any problems they are facing whether it's 3D modeling, coding, or giving feedback on ideas. I'm planning on making a small spooky-hallow themed infinite runner if I have time between helping everyone else!
Please don't hesitate to post here if you have any questions about the jam (online or in person).