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A member registered May 26, 2017 ·View creator page →

Creator of

Headless horseman infinite runner
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Classic point and click horror adventure game
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short obstacle course game jam game
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Urban exploration text adventure, Zork-like
Interactive Fiction
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mini game written in pygame
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micro platformer about loss
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Ludum Dare jam game, climb out of the pit...
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short visual novel adventure for vulcan jam 4
Visual Novel
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A bunny that wants to get big and take revenge on her masters...
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Collect coins to get your first broomstick, LDJam48 Game
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Short Hockey Puck game for MiniJam65
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N64-like game where you race down stairs in a cardboard box
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Short roguelike about Birmingham's Underground River, for Vulcan Jam 3
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Metroid-inspired retro platformer
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Clicker garden game
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Minimalist puzzle game, use barricades to control a bouncing ball to collect stars
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Simple Ninja Jumping Game
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Quick turn based game where you attempt to defeat a rival necromancer with a horde of undead!
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Platformer hack and slash game, about a mouse whose kingdom is rudely invaded
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Adventure through the forest
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A short politial satire platformer game
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single-player card game based murder mystery
Card Game
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A hero without a real cause undertakes the impossible: directing people to the right bathroom
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puzzle game for 'remember the dead' jam 2017
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floating down a river with crazy men with spears trying to get ya
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Stranded on an island, you must find your way through caves to escape
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Recent community posts

Are you able to upload a HTML version?

Great work! I like the halloween textures. High score was 15, I'm terrible at these games. :D

Nice, I got to the top door through _a lot_ of trial and error, but I assume that I need to get the key to get in first. Is there some hint to getting the key?

Fixed a bug where the input locked up if you tried to move past the bottom row. Whoops, I should really play test these things! :D

Hope everyone's having a good time so far, progress on my headless horseman runner so far!

No prizes or judging, this is just for fun! Feel free to make any game you want!

Hello and welcome! You may use whatever game engine you would like. I recommend using Unity as I feel that's the simplest to get up and running and there are plenty of tutorials out there.

Hey everyone, welcome to the community forum for the Bham Halloween Game Jam. Please take a moment to post a bit about yourself. What is your experience level? Are you looking for a team? Introduce yourselves and have the best time we can during this jam!

I'll go first - I'm Fredric, one of the admins for this jam. I have been participating in game jams for several years and have submitted many games to You can check out my latest game Goblins in the Walls ( ). I am going to be busy with coordinating the in person event, but I'm here to helpanyonewith any problems they are facing whether it's 3D modeling, coding, or giving feedback on ideas. I'm planning on making a small spooky-hallow themed infinite runner if I have time between helping everyone else!

Please don't hesitate to post here if you have any questions about the jam (online or in person).

Thanks for making a playthrough video! Hope you enjoyed it.

I updated the game this morning with some much needed bug fixes. If you get stuck or see something confusing _please_ let me know in the comments!

Great job, this looks amazing!

The double clicking through text was kind of tedious, and it wasn't immediately obvious who the bad ghosts were but I was able to figure it out pretty quick.

Great job! Is there a bug on level 3? I had the key and made it to the door but it wouldn't let me through.

The platformer controls felt great.

Cool, good job, especially for your first Unity game! It took me about 15 minutes to max everything out.

Awesome! Worked great through SteamVR on the HTC Vive. I only wish I could move around faster, and that the view was zoomed out a bit.

Hah, that was a really nicely done boss battle, it felt _great_. Good job!

Good job! This would be a really good educational game.

Nice job, I thought it was an interesting game mechanic.

Nice, very calming. The landscape is so beautiful!

Great job, this is a lot of fun. I love the level design. The later levels on hard mode are so incredibly challenging.

Great game. I spent a lot of time playing it and it felt like it progressed well. Level design was awesome and well thought out.

Good job! I liked the stick man animation.

Oh, nevermind, figured it out. Tricky. Good game!

This is a really cool idea. I got stuck at the water though, not sure what to do!

Good game idea. I thought the sentences went by really fast though, they were hard to read.

Nice job. The platformer was kind of hard, but I made it through!

Nice job. The controls felt great and good use of ASCII art!

Neat idea!

Is there a cooldown after completing a word where you have to wait some period of time before starting another word? I had some issues with that and wasn't sure what was happening.

Neat! I'm terrible at word games like this, but it's an entertaining concept.

I thought it was kind of hard to read when the text overlapped, but other than that it was great, good job!

Won't load in Firefox for me. I see this error in the console:

UncaughtReferenceError:unityFramework is not defined

Great job. The ball was shooting through the walls when it got going really fast, but that was probably my fault for using too many springs.

Amazing. I had a hard time with the spacebar as reset as others pointed out, but other than that this was really enjoyable! on on Facebook
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