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A member registered Dec 10, 2018

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Wow! Incredible — spooky at every level!

A short and sweet (yet horrifying) experience!

Looking forward to your next one.

Check out my gameplay.

Another great experience!

Way more evolved, I love the environments, especially the sequence where the tunnels change and transform—really cool! The central hub idea where all three environments converge is fantastic, too.

I just wish the illumination or flashlight was stronger; it was really dark at times. Overall, it was a spine-chilling experience. 

Another home run for Lost Bullet!

Check out my  crazy experience...

Another Top Notch Experience ! 

So open to interpretation. Check out my fun theories. Which is yours? 

Creepy, Spooky, Intense & Incredible

I love the open-ended nature of the game and had a lot of fun theorizing. Now, I'm eager to see how my theories align with what the developers had in mind.

Check out my fun theories. 

Incredible, Intense & Immersive. 

Another Fantastic Narrative Driven Experience. Crux Game Studios Are Masters At It ! Can't Wait For Your Next. (How About A First Person Survival Shooter - Eh! ;) )

Here is my take on the game 

Incredibly thought provoking - perhaps even more relevant in today's world 


Wow , What an incredible experience.

I love how open ended it is allowing for ample interpretation. Definitely got my creative juices flowing.  I mean I was seeing metaphorical symbolism on ever turn. 

Check out my my interpretation and I wonder how similar or different it is from the developers original vision. 

Max Horror, wow! What an incredible job! I absolutely loved the experience, and I'm not afraid to admit I jumped a few times. The visuals were fantastic, and the sound design was incredibly creepy, always catching me off guard. It was truly amazing. Your work has even sparked a little inspiration in me to perhaps explore game-making myself.

check out my thoughts on the game. 

Wow! that was a fun experience. well crafted story with excellent attention to detail with the visual style. it almost felt like I was back in 90s. 

I'm very curious, Was the game inspired by an actual mythological fable, legend, or other traditional story. 

Here is my playthrough and my thoughts 

Fantastic Visuals & Art Style, Really Enjoyed It.

I Love That There Is Some Lore In The Game. There Is Potential To Build A Richly Crafted Universe. I Would Love To See A Sequel & Find Out More About Subject X. 

Great Work Josh & Anthony. 

Here Is Playthrough. Enjoy!. 

Interesting Game, Great Visuals, Eerie Atmosphere & Really Well Crafted Story - despite some optimization issues - I loved the experience.  There is so much more lore to the game - that I would love a larger dive in to this universe. 

Good Fun! Here Is My Playthrough


Totally Loved The Game, The Art Style, The Music And The Thought Provoking & Highly Interpretative Concept Story. 

Here's My Take On It. I Wonder What Are The Authors Thoughts On My Interpretation.


Immersive and Creepy Atmosphere, Great Setting & Plot With Some Depth & Room For Some Further Exploration. 

Check out my full video and thoughts 

A Very interesting Experience. A Thought Provoking Game, Especially considering the times we live in! A world full of ChatGPTs. 

A Must play - check out my walkthrough and my thoughts about the endings. 

Wow! Relentless Terror.

One of the scariest games I have played in recent times

Kudos to the team! Special Mention For The Voice Actor - Amazing! (Would Love To Know Their Other Work)

Check out my scary ride through the asylum 

Amazing! Great Work Austin & Cyrus! 

I actually have a few theories on whats going on. I wonder if that was the intention or the developer has different take. 

Loved it. thought provoking and beautiful. 

Great Game! Totally Farout! 

Really enjoyed the premise and sound design was top notch. 

I hope the team can further develop the lore and the universe and we see further games within that universe

check out my thought on the game on on Facebook
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